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Why Your Business (of any Size) Needs to Blog

Date published: December 14, 2015
Last updated: December 14, 2015

When it comes to driving customers to your site and raising awareness of your brand, in terms of sheer impact, few approaches are as powerful as keeping your blog stocked on quality content. Despite this realization, far too many businesses remain on the fence and fail to embrace this piece of the digital marketing puzzle. Let’s lay out exactly why your business can’t wait another day to start blogging.

A Great Blog is Like a Winning Resume

As The Huffington Post’s Michael B. Fishbein explains, there’s no better way to kick off the “Should we blog?” conversation than by pointing out that this digital asset is the brand equivalent of a winning resume. Customers often turn to this portion of your website first to learn more about your expertise and capabilities, so it’s imperative that you not only have something to showcase here, but also to impart something powerful and worthwhile while you have their attention.

“Blogs are the new resumes. Blogging about a topic you would like to be viewed as an expert in can illustrate to readers, employers and your network that you are skilled and knowledgeable,” Fishbein asserts.

You wouldn’t hand over a blank resume to a potential employer, so it doesn’t make sense to do the same with a prospective customer. If you can take this opportunity to blow your audience away with content that proves your expertise and adds value to the customer experience, there’s little doubt that these viewers will reward you later as they move to make a purchase.

It’s Vital to Your SEO Strategy

Blogging helps drive potential customers onto your site via a plethora of SEO benefits. In terms of specific SEO advantages, Olivia Allen of The HubSpot Blog points to a rise in inbound links from other pages and increased rankings with Google (and the rest of the search engine leaders) as the biggest benefits for businesses that blog.

As you create a virtual library of engaging, unique and valuable content, other organizations and sources will naturally begin to link back to your pages and cite your offerings. This can lead to a surge in brand awareness across the web and a healthy boost in your inbound link count. Allen notes that some companies see their total number of inbound links increase by as much as 97 percent.

Also, if you remain active with your blog and incorporate a sound keyword and content strategy, it won’t take long for search engines to notice this trend and reward you for your hard work. Specifically, they’ll index a whopping 434 percent more pages for brands that blog when compared to those who don’t. In other words, if you want to be found when customers start browsing the web, it’s time to start dusting off your blog and begin filling it with quality content.

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Blogging Turns Traffic into Leads

Blogging also impacts the bottom line. There’s plenty of data that proves the link between incoming customers and blogging. As Business 2 Community’s Kapil Jekishan explains, organizations that blog enjoy the following perks that lead directly to sales and satisfied customers:

  • 55 percent more site visits
  • The ability to remain relevant to (and recapture) the 50 percent of qualified leads that are interested, but not yet ready to buy
  • Increased return on investment via the generation of leads that cost an average of 62 percent less when compared with outbound alternatives

The moral of the story here is clear: Blogging turns traffic into leads, and leads generate more sales for your brand. Regardless of your industry or current marketplace standing, it’s hard to knowingly pass up on the benefits created by a commitment to consistent and engaging blogging.

Running a Great Blog Doesn’t Require a Herculean Effort

For some brands, the concern isn’t about gauging the effectiveness of blogging, but rather working around the time and effort that goes into it. While there’s no denying that generating stellar blog content does require a healthy dose of hard work and research, there’s also nothing in the rulebook that says your business has to go about this process on its own.

By working with professional blogging experts, like the team from Article-Writing.Co, your business can enjoy all of the benefits that come with blogging without the added stress of personally handling the writing process or breaking the bank via overpriced content marketing services. When combined with everything else that you’ve learned here, the conversation now shifts from answering the question of “Should my business blog?” to “How soon can I start?”


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