What Is a Content Strategy Template?

Date published: December 18, 2023
Last updated: March 7, 2024

Even the best content marketing strategy will sputter if you don’t have a way to execute them at a high level. You want each piece of new content to fit into your strategy. At the same time, you want it to resonate with your target audience and help you reach specific goals.

As you consider high-level things like content marketing objectives and the types of content marketing you’ll use to achieve them, you want to take the time to develop templates that turn theory into action.

Let’s break down what a content strategy template is, why it’s so important, and how you can create one.

What Is a Content Strategy Template?

There are many different elements of a successful content strategy. You want to have an overarching content strategy framework in place. This helps you see everything, from your marketing goals and objectives to the content marketing resources you have available. Your content strategy itself functions as the roadmap, guiding you as you go along.

And a content strategy template? That factors into the equation with the actual execution of your content creation.

As the name implies, a content marketing strategy template should be something that is repeatable. It should serve as a formula for each individual piece of content that you create to keep things consistent and on target as you go along.

What Are the Elements of a Good Content Strategy Template?

A template may sound simple on the surface. But remember, we’re talking about a content strategy template. Not just a content template.

The latter could be a simple outline structure or a step-by-step process to create an infographic or “how-to” video.

When you introduce strategy into the picture, your content templates become more sophisticated. Along with creating basic structural outlines (things like content length, paragraph size, or tone), you also want to incorporate big-picture elements.

How does your strategy factor into each piece of content that you create? What keywords are important to include? What CTAs matter in your current marketing campaign?

These are all important elements that should be intimately embedded into each content strategy template that you create.

Why Is a Content Strategy Template Useful?

Taken together, both the strategic and practical elements of a content strategy template can help you create a repeatable, high-quality content plan. These have multiple benefits. For instance, a good content strategy template can:

  • Help you establish industry authority via a thorough demonstration of expert knowledge.
  • Answer customer pain points in both macro and micro levels of detail.
  • Take pressure off of your customer service team through effective self-help content.
  • Effectively generate leads through consistent and thoughtful CTAs intentionally woven into your content.
  • Keep all of your content focused on clear, updated KPIs.
  • Increase the speed with which you can plan and execute content creation.

Content templates help streamline your content creation process and bear fruit both internally as well as with customer-facing interactions.

An Example of a Content Strategy Template

One example of all of this in action is creating a content pillar template for your website. This would likely focus on a primary long-form piece of content that is a few thousand words long and centers on the primary keyword or industry-specific topic you’re addressing.

From there, you can build out medium-length sub-pillar pieces that cover tangential topics. Each of these can come with their own supporting blog post.

As you flesh out briefs and content creation instructions for each piece, you can keep the larger pillar strategy in mind. You can choose keywords, use internal links, and generally point everything you create toward a single topic that addresses a pain point or need of your audience. 

Collectively, this creates a content strategy template that you can repeat with each pillar that you create.

How Do You Create a Content Strategy Template

There are many different elements of content strategy. On-site blog content, email marketing, social media, and countless other communication channels can play critical roles in each marketing campaign.

So, how do you develop content strategy templates that jive with each of your content marketing strategies? Here are a few steps to help you get started.

  • Start with your goals. Think through your current marketing goals. What are you trying to accomplish? What benchmarks do you need to meet along the way? What do you need to do to accomplish your objectives? Don’t skip this step. It is ground zero for developing an effective content strategy template.
  • Determine your timeline. With your content goal in mind, how much time do you have to execute your content strategy? Do you need to create a content calendar to help keep you on track? This will help you decide the speed with which you need to build your content.
  • Think through the process: What does content production look like for you? Is it creating editorial content like a white paper, or is it filming visual content like TikTok videos? Maybe it’s both. Do you need an editorial calendar to help plan ideas out months in advance? Who edits, approves, and publishes each piece of content? You need to answer these kinds of questions to put a predictable template in place.

Once you’ve considered your resources, team members, processes, and, of course, your goals, it’s time to pull it all together. Create a template for engaging, effective content that includes all of these factors. From there, you can duplicate your template any time you create a fresh content strategy.

Optimizing Content Strategy With Templates

Great content marketing strategies come from combining vision with consistency, and a template is the best “boots on the ground” way to do that. A good template helps you turn thoughts and goals into actionable content creation. At the same time, it keeps every piece of content focused on your digital marketing objectives.

As you develop each content marketing strategy, don’t assume it will magically come to fruition. If you need an expert's help, consider working with a content team. Creating content strategy templates will provide the repeatable structure necessary for success.

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