What IoT Can Do For Agriculture - A Brief Glimpse Into The Future

Date published: August 18, 2019
Last updated: August 18, 2019

The Internet of Things, Big Data, and Blockchain technology are the buzz words of the technology industry today. They are thrown around in conversations at the workplace, but not everyone understands what they mean and signify.

What is the Internet of Things (IoT)?

The Internet of Things essentially describes a network of devices and objects that are connected to the internet and can collect and exchange information amongst themselves. In other words, IoT allows all manner of objects, not just computers and phones, to talk to each other.

IoT is a computing concept that in recent years has gained a lot of popularity. But when speaking of these computing concepts, such as IoT, their actual on-ground applications feel surreal and intangible, especially in industries like agriculture and food production.

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Internet of Things in Agriculture

An unexplored application of IoT is its possible use in the agriculture and food production industries. While many companies are exploring this space, it remains largely uncharted.

With the population growing at its current rate, by the year 2050 global population will be around 9 billion. This scenario means the agriculture and food production industries have a lot of scaling to do. Luckily, IoT can help.

Smart Farming to the Rescue

Agriculture and food production industries, in their current states, are highly dependent on human labor and are resource-heavy. However, the introduction of IoT in this space and leveraging of its advantages can bring down a lot of the overheads. Estimates say that by the year 2022, the smart farming industry will grow up to $11.23 billion. Using IoT in agriculture is referred to as smart farming. It is the use of IoT sensors, automation, and data t produced to increase productivity, quality, and agility while reducing dependency on estimations and likelihoods.

Agriculture and Food Production industries face the brunt of deteriorating soil quality, erratic changes in climate, disturbed ecosystems, and so on. Implementing IoT in agriculture will not only go a long way in conserving natural resources, but it will also safeguard and help the industries' efforts to adapt to the changing environmental conditions. IoT in agriculture will also allow remote monitoring of fields and livestock with the use of sensors and devices. Moreover, it will also facilitate the automation of repetitive processes like irrigation.

Thus, to summarize, the incredible benefits that using IoT can bring to the agriculture industry are:

  • Conservation of resources (water, seeds, fertilizers, fodder, etc.)
  • Elevated crop production and quality
  • Lowered livestock loss
  • Empowerment of farmers with timely data

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The Impact of IoT on Agriculture

The implementation of IoT and smart farming techniques can go a long way towards reaching shorter supply chains and the general expansion of the industries. However, the more significant impact of IoT in agriculture will be the improved agility it provides to farmers. IoT implementation will provide farmers with timely data about weather, approaching storms, the spread of diseases, etc. These will help farmers make better decisions, thereby improving their production. Lastly, IoT can also significantly reduce the labor costs involved in agricultural processes, thus making food readily available for everyone at a low cost.

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