Use Content Repurposing to Improve Inbound Marketing Strategy

Date published: July 30, 2018
Last updated: July 30, 2018

Rome wasn’t built in a day. We can apply this proverb to content creation as well. “Content is King.” Yet we often confront a creative block when our job is to create unique and high-quality content on a regular basis. There is no dearth of articles on marketing content across social media. They can advise you how many times you should share a piece to boost conversions. But it can still be a daunting task to market quality content consistently.

It is not about producing more content, the answer lies in promoting more and creating less. Believe it or not, marketing your content is a real struggle and it affects every marketer. Content is the foundation of online marketing campaigns. However, getting the foundation right is not easy. The creative block affects everyone. Creativity is driven by inspiration but sometimes it can be hard to find inspiration.

Long-form content is considered perfect because of its repurposing potential. Repurposing is an integral part of inbound marketing strategy. It can help you redistribute information in multiple ways. One of them is to boost inbound marketing through content that educates.

Creating content is a tedious process. One needs to be completely dedicated. However, as marketers, it is important to appreciate the art of repurposing. Here are a few benefits of repurposing content:

  • Improve your brand’s authority online
  • Engage more customers
  • Reach out to more people and promote your brand
  • Save yourself a world of time

This strategy can be the key to increasing awareness, improving customer engagement, and attracting more visitors. Content repurposing can add greatly to inbound marketing. It can help you position your brand as an authority in your niche.

Want to extend the life of content and reach the maximum number of people? Start repurposing your content.

Let’s take a look at some of the ways that will help you in repurposing your content and boost Inbound Marketing:

1. Engage your subscribers and make their life easy

When we talk about the buyer’s journey, we understand that lead conversion through latest blogs is a great way to boost business. Keep your subscribers engaged by solving their problems in a timely manner.  Share industry news with them and stay connected to them. While you are at it, don’t forget to ask them to like and share the posts that come their way.

2. Keep tweeting the latest highlights

Twitter is a platform where you can retweet the same content with slight variations about two to three times a day. This strategy generates a lot of interest from users.

3. Create attractive infographics

We all love infographics. A well-designed infographic is always liked and shared on social media. They are a great way to promote your brand on platforms like Pinterest. Convert the relevant data and information into a beautiful infographic and sit back to see likes and shares pouring in.

4. Share important information through videos

When vision and hearing align, audience engagement is optimal. 85% of prospects are more likely to buy a product after watching a video than reading a long article. Video marketing is one of the most efficient ways to grab user attention.

5. Go live to engage more people

Facebook Live and Instagram Stories are examples of live-streaming platforms that can be leveraged to reach out to the maximum number of people. These platforms can be used to turn your brand into a huge success. Share your content through live videos and encourage viewers to ask questions. It is a great content repurposing strategy and brings in more traffic to your website while boosting inbound marketing as well.

6. Get on the mic and record a podcast

Make your content even more interesting with a podcast. Want to start a podcast station? Why not record yourself and read out your blog post in an interesting manner. When you upload audio content consistently, listeners will start trusting your brand and will be more likely to make a purchase.

7. Become an active participant on Quora

Many potential customers are waiting for answers on Quora. Use this Q&A platform to search questions related to product or service that your company provides. Answer the questions and include the links to your blog to give the users more information. Increasing traffic from Quora to your website improves your website’s rank.

8. Sharing content images on social media is a good idea

We are all drawn towards visual content. Always create images that are in sync with your topic and share them consistently on social media. While you are at it, do not forget to include your social handles. You will have your own archive and the ability to repost them whenever you want.

9. Host a Webinar and share PowerPoint presentations

Want your organization to be the thought leader and attain a higher authority status? Host a webinar. It is an amazing strategy that will differentiate your brand from the competition. As a result, you will have higher sales numbers and will be valued highly by the audience. Convert the information in your article into a webinar script and go places. Along with it, you can also repurpose the content into PowerPoint Presentations and upload them on platforms like SlideShare. Don’t forget to give audience the opportunity to ask questions in the comments.

10. Push the content to B2B audience on LinkedIn

If your brand deals in B2B marketing then LinkedIn is the best social media channel to publish your content. You can publish an article on LinkedIn Pulse and give B2B content seekers what they really desire.


It is time to delve into your content archives and find the posts that can repurposed into the aforementioned formats. Following this strategy will help your brand gain more exposure. With improved visibility, your brand will be more noticeable in the hyper-competitive market, leading to improved customer engagement and more conversions. Take control of your inbound marketing today. Start repurposing content now!

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