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Tips from Future Digital Marketers: Goodbye To Our Interns

Date published: July 29, 2013
Last updated: July 29, 2013

With the close of the summer upon us, the interns here at Relevance are preparing to leave and take what we’ve learned back to school with us. As temporary members of a digital marketing agency, we’ve learned more in the office than we would in any classroom. Here, my fellow interns and I want to share our wisdom with other future digital marketers.

Phil Tarnowski, Sales Intern:

“You should read industry blogs regularly so you can understand the terminology and speak intelligently with your coworkers. Also, you need to understand that content is the most important part of a company website.”

Carson Small, Consulting Intern:

“You should optimize SEO for your audience so they can get to your content easier. Understanding what your audience is looking for is key.”

Abby Somers, Talent Acquisition Intern:

“Make sure to focus on helping customers before trying to win them over.”

Eddie Flood, Client Success Intern:

“Companies should always put their clients' needs above their own.”

Jack Meehan, Search Media Networking:

“Digital marketing, or any type of marketing, is not just one complete area of expertise. It’s done by a team consisting of multiple squads working together on every single assignment. Learn all that you can from members of the other departments for improved collaboration.”

Rachel Brown, Content Marketing Intern:

“Really take the time to think about your audience and what content matters to them. If you are publishing content that they aren’t interested in, you’ll get nowhere.

Melinda Elston, Search Media Editor Intern:

“Companies interested in inbound techniques should start sponsoring more art projects. Art can give audiences something that outbound marketing can’t.”

Having spent time here at Relevance writing blog posts for clients, editing eBooks, managing hub blogs, auditing lead nurturing campaigns, contributing to the company blog, doing advanced research and developing improved onboarding campaigns, we were all heavily involved throughout our respective departments. We were all fortunate enough to have the opportunity to dive headfirst into the ever-evolving world of digital marketing, and now we are ahead of the game.

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