The 10 Best Marketing Stories of 2019

Date published: February 25, 2019
Last updated: February 25, 2019

Over 132,297 marketing and SEO articles have been indexed in 2019 already! With over  9,877,112 engagements total, we analyzed the most read, shared, and best content and marketing stories of 2019. Studies have shown that Google leans left, and these results, at first glance, appear to confirm those results. While this compilation comes from all browsers, it’s still interesting to note.

And so without further ado… Here’s the best breaking marketing stories:

#1 - Gillette’s New Ad On Toxic Masculinity Is Breathtaking — And Necessary - on

With over 1.9 million engagements, this blog post had triple the engagement levels from even the second-highest ranked piece, making it easily the top piece of 2019 so far. This article covers Gillette's controversial ad, in which Gillette takes a spin on their 30-year-old slogan, “The best a man can get.”

In the emotionally charged ad, Gillette suggests: “The Best A Man Can Get” is stopping other men, including the next generation, from harassing and mistreating women, but also from bullying each other and engaging in acts of toxic masculinity.”

You can watch the video for yourself here to get your take on the ad.

#2 - Netflix ‘would lose 57% of their subscribers if they added commercials’ - on

The average engagement of all the best marketing stories analyzed was just 75 engagements. This piece on Netflix was engaged with over 110 thousand times. And it’s no surprise, with streaming on the rise and Netflix being the top streaming service worldwide, it’s easy to see how this piqued so much interest.

The report highlights that Netflix users don’t want commercials, streaming is becoming more prevalent, and younger users prefer streaming over TV. If you are a Netflix fan, this is chock-full of interesting facts.

#3 - Massachusetts Attorney General Implicates Family Behind Purdue Pharma In Opioid Deaths -

The Massachusetts Attorney General alleged that the Sackler family behind Purdue Pharma knew that their painkiller was causing deaths, yet they continued to market and bring in cash as the death tolls climbed.

The lawsuit filed by the Attorney General has a high shock and corruption value. It’s no surprise this article ranked so high on this list, as the allegations are horrific and no one wants to believe these things happen in the United States.

#4 - Grocery Store Not Fooling Anybody By Marketing Cantaloupe As Fun Super Bowl Snack - The Onion

Number four on our list is only an image, and… it’s from the onion. But it’s pretty funny, so here it is:

#5 Why Gillette's New Ad Campaign Is Toxic -

In contradiction with the first article on our list, this article expresses disgust with Gillette's “The Best a Man Can Get” campaign. The author believes it negatively stereotypes men, is too politically charged, and a poor use of corporate social responsibility.

One thing is for certain, whether you love or hate the Gillette ad, it has people talking.

#6 - Study Links Drug Maker Gifts for Doctors to More Overdose Deaths - 

Overdose death rates are climbing, and proposed solutions are falling short, which makes Opioids a trending conversation this year. In this study, they found that counties where doctors had more meals, consulting fees, or trips from opioid makers had higher overdose deaths from prescription opioids.

With over $40 million dollars spent on opioid promotion in 2013 to 2015 alone, marketing for opioids is a huge industry. The study acknowledges that marketing alone isn’t the only factor in opioid deaths, but they hope with this knowledge changes can be made.

#7 - Google Salutes Military Members in Superbowl Ad -

Google gave a standing ovation to military members in their 2019 Superbowl ad. The ad, which was estimated to have cost over $10 million dollars, aligned with the launch of Google’s new Job Search for Veterans program. The new search feature is designed to help military members more easily find civilian jobs after they have served.

You can watch the video here#8 - GMO-Free Marketing is Deliberately Misleading Consumers -

GMO’s have been a hot topic in the USA for several years now. This article discusses how marketers are tainting the GMO world with misleading or confusing context, and how it’s harming the industry.

At the end of the article, the author humorously sums up his thoughts by saying:

 “Perhaps in 2019 marketers can grow their margins by verifying that their products have not harmed any unicorns, are free of Bigfoot DNA, were not cursed by a witch and have never made contact with a leprechaun. Raising prices based on any of these claims would be as scientifically supported as a “GMO-free” premium. The only verifiable feature of these products is their effectiveness at separating more money from consumers’ wallets.“

#9 - Burger King Trolls McDonald’s Yet Again With an Entire Menu Mocking the Big Mac - Adweek

McDonald's lost its trademark of the Big Mac, due to a legal battle to an Irish fast food chain, and a Burger King in EU took full advantage. Without adding any new menu items, the chain changed up some of the names of their current products. The salty trolling resulted in the “Not Big Mac’s” menu.

So far McDonald’s has made no comment, but it does make for a good laugh.

#10 - Avon Pulls Marketing Materials After Jameela Jamil Slams Company For Shaming Women - Huffington Post

Number 10 on our list of best marketing stories is yet again one of controversy. Actress and fitness model, Jameela Jamil, called out Avon for shaming women. Avon had created an ad saying that “dimples” are not cute on women’s thighs.

Avon has since pulled the materials and apologized.

You can see the exchange here:


2019 is shaping up to be a year of controversy, drama, humor, politics, and opinions. But maybe that’s every year.

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