Mobile Content Marketing Strategy For Startups

Date published: May 18, 2018
Last updated: July 2, 2024

Content marketing is undoubtedly the best long term marketing strategy to improve brand exposure and generate leads.

As per Marketing Land, mobile advertising is set to represent 72% of all digital ad spending in 2019. Moreover, Comscore predicts that 80% of social media time is spent on a mobile device.

In this era of handheld devices, brands need to shift their focus from desktop to mobile. For a startup, the mobile content strategy is the fast train to success.

This post will explore ways to optimize and improve the mobile content marketing strategy for your startup.

1- Master The Art of Mobile Content Experience

For many content and media production teams, the change in focus from desktop to mobile has escalated into a challenge. The reason is not their content’s quality (or the lack of it). The reason is their inability to adjust and align with the mobile medium.

Here are some critical mobile content experience aspects that define the perceived quality levels for the viewer.

Eye movements and scan pattern: A mobile viewer doesn’t browse the content as he/she does on a desktop. Viewer’s eyes focus on the center of the screen; so plan the first view accordingly. Also, the scan pattern is aligned towards the bottom end of the screen, so plant your content and click baits accordingly.

Check out this heat-map which shows how 65.7% engagement happens below the fold when people are reading content on mobile devices

Screen size: You’re dealing with a smaller screen here; remove everything that’s not absolutely essential. Don’t block views with pop ups.

User Inputs: Don’t expect a lot; keep your contact forms concise, keep your CTAs well highlighted and easy to click, and use functionalities like field auto populate to ease information entry for users.

2- Get a Mobile Ready Site

If your content isn’t hosted on a mobile optimized website, don’t expect much. All it takes is one web page to not show up correctly on a user’s mobile phone, for that person to quickly close your website and search for another. Instead, get your basics right, and get yourself a truly mobile responsive website that can load all content layouts perfectly on all mobile device screens.

My suggestion; go with a mobile optimized website development platform to revamp or recreate your website. There’s Duda, for instance, offering you a wide range of very impressive mobile optimized website templates, along with a WYSIWYG website development editor interface, taking the pain and time out of the equation. Here’s a sneak peek at the templates, and the editor interface.

Duda is a website development platform perfect for agencies, and professionals, offering white-label website building, along with options to assign and manage user roles and access controls to enable backend access for clients, APIs for integration, and content import option.

For business websites, it delivers value-added functionalities such as integration with vCita scheduling widget, click to call, and maps. Moreover, you get the benefit of 3rd party integrations with payment service providers like Google Checkout and Paypal, and SEO features such as automatic sitemap generation, robots.txt file generation, OpenGraph support, customizable page URLs, and image optimization to comply with Google’s mobile friendliness norms. 

3- Be Voice-Ready

Very soon, voice will become the primary input method for search queries on the web. You don’t want to be the business whose content has the answers to these queries, but isn’t semantically suited to show up in the results! If you haven’t started yet, here’s how to prioritize your voice SEO efforts (from results of a Backlinko analysis).

  • The average voice search result shows up in 4.6 seconds or less; so focus on page speed.
  • HTTPS websites stand better chances of contributing to voice search results.
  • Short and concise answer-style content works great for voice search.
  • High social media signal strength (shares and likes) also improves your content’s voice SEO appeal 

4- Give Your Mobile Content Strategy A Local Twist

Here’s a stat to get you thinking – almost 77% mobile searches are performed at work or at home. That’s massive volume as compared to desktop searches.

However, mobile visitors have almost 9.56% more bounce rate as compared to desktop viewers. The question, then, is – how can you stop this mass exodus of mobile content viewers from your website or app?

The answer is multifarious. However, a key aspect is to give a local flavour to your content, because that’s what audiences are looking for – local news, local promotional deals, local insights, local business searches, and what not.

Even if your business isn’t exactly localized, your content can be! To do so, trust Google Trends for inputs on geographically segregated popular content topics. How do you decide the geographies? Well, segregate your web traffic across regions, and start with the most important ones.

5- Crisp Headlines to Capture Attention

Remember the famous (or infamous) 2015 Microsoft study that claimed how human attention spans had shrunk to 8 seconds, significantly down from 12 seconds back in 2000?

The takeaway for any mobile content marketer is clear – be very effective in capturing the user’s attention quickly; because you probably don’t have more than 8 seconds!

Now, to create attention worthy headlines, try a mix of these tips:

  • Be as close as possible to 8 words in your headline; that supposedly pushes CTR up.
  • It’s also been proven that negative (read controversial) headlines attract more clicks than positive ones.
  • List type headlines should always be your priority.
  • Remember the 4U formula – headlines must be urgent, unique, useful, and ultra-specific.

When in doubt, check out your local tabloids for a shot of motivation; something with the right mix of excitement, interest, and boldness.

6- Think ‘Mobile’ For All Content Channels

For most brands, there’s no such thing as a dedicated ‘mobile content’ channel. And that’s natural, because success is all about making your existing content channels mobile friendly, for maximum traction. We already covered the idea of having a dedicated mobile responsive website in brief earlier.

Email marketing, for instance, is something that should be absolutely mobile friendly, whether it’s in terms of writing the email copy, or choosing the template. Similarly, your social media posts must also focus on mobile first, because that’s how most users experience social media, and all the content it hosts.

Also, you’d slowly want to expand the scope of your mobile content marketing to include Google Featured Search results (via keyword and content optimization), local SEO, page speed optimization, Google Knowledge Graph, Google My Business, etc. 

Concluding Remarks

We haven’t yet seen the full potential of several power-factors fusing together - mobile, voice, fast speed and globally available Internet, and the innate human desire for quick and readily available information. Be prepared when the day comes.

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