Mobile Consumer Engagement: A Marketer’s Best Friend?

Date published: December 15, 2015
Last updated: December 15, 2015

The race for brands to capture and engage customers with mobile technology has already started. The emergence of consumers’ anytime-anywhere mobile behavior has forced the hand of marketers to keep pace. Furthermore, consumers’ increased desire to use and engage with mobile technology has emerged and so has the demand for brands to provide superb mobile experiences in a variety of ways. As mobile continues to evolve, consumer engagement should be at the forefront of the evolution.

Consumers now spend more time interacting with mobile devices and apps than ever before, and this interaction is not just happening at planned moments throughout the day. It’s occurring whenever and wherever consumers feel the urge to fulfill their inner desire for self-satisfaction. We’re all human, and marketers need to think about how human needs can be satisfied with amazing mobile experiences.

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The Human Need For Mobile Is On The Rise

Consider the following facts:

  • There have been over 420 million app downloads since 2013.
  • 99 percent of texts are read, and 90 percent of them are read within three minutes.
  • 92 percent of mobile shopping app users want to be alerted if retailers are having sales.
  • Three of the top six areas for increased spending in 2015 are mobile: location-based mobile tracking, mobile applications, and mobile push notifications.
  • 187 million Americans now own smartphones; that’s 77 percent mobile market penetration.

Krista Gunstone of sums it up best:

“Today, the customer path to purchase is a complex web of interactions and experiences across digital and physical channels. Mobile is the indispensable common denominator that is guiding, informing and influencing the customer through their journey. For those retail brands that can successfully and seamlessly integrate mobile, the possibilities (and ROI) are tremendous.”

Mobile: The Most Powerful Tool?

How do you plan on using what could be the most powerful tool known to mankind? For decades, marketers have been scratching their heads wondering how they can capture and keep customers that are essential to their business. Their goal was not only to drive traffic to the purchase destination but also to capture the attention and earn the loyalty of existing customers.

Today’s mobile technology can accomplish all three. The modern mobile consumer expects more from brands, including a richer shopping experience. Brands must think about implementing a mobile strategy that can do it all and provide enhanced consumer engagement at every customer touch point.

As I have said before, Mobile devices and the many ways they engage, interact and fascinate us as consumers have interrupted and monopolized our daily lives to the point where we just can’t stop them anymore. If businesses don’t plan for how they can mobilize a customer engagement strategy soon, they will be far behind their competition even sooner.

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Mobile Marketing Roadmap

It’s no secret that today’s brands are investing additional funds and resources in their mobile engagement strategies. According to eMarketer, mobile will account for 72 percent of digital ad spending by 2019.

Here’s their challenge: there is no previous mobile roadmap for success for businesses to follow. Mobile consumer engagement is changing rapidly because technology is also changing. Technology is a powerful precursor to altered consumer behavior. That’s the x-factor for brands to figure out, and it’s not easy.

When brands start to think about how to really create value for the customer, they will discover that mobile is most likely in the conversation. There are several ways to engage your prospective and existing customers. Typically, businesses big and small use coupons, promotions, payments, geo-tracking and location-based messages, collaboration tools, beacons and contests to show value. This is integral for increasing customer engagement and mobile wallets.

Adult mobile users are spending more time on their devices and are thus more connected than ever before. That means the context in which they are being drawn to different mobile experiences, as well as the content used to compel them to purchase, needs to be seamlessly integrated to create a brand-to-consumer engagement cycle that never stops. When engagement levels are high, that cycle perpetuates more happy customers and increased profits for brands—a win-win for everyone!

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