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LeadPages vs. ClickFunnels: A Landing Page Showdown

Date published: July 17, 2015
Last updated: July 17, 2015

When I made the choice to focus on online sales and engagement funnels as opposed to web development last year, I had to get up to speed quickly on landing page software. When choosing software, I do two things extensively: research and test.

In my research, two landing page platforms were recommended more than any others: LeadPages and ClickFunnels. Now that I’ve tried them both, let me get straight to the results. (Spoiler alert: LeadPages wins.)

(NOTE: I’m talking about, not; They are not the same thing.)

Getting Started

Both platforms offer tutorials to help you get started. You can build a squeeze page or funnel—complete with integrations into your email provider—in a very short time. If you are very new, they both provide videos to watch. And they both offer great support.

The biggest difference here is the ease of use. LeadPages is a more turnkey product. ClickFunnels takes a little more doing to get it done. The point goes to LeadPages.


Both Leadpages and ClickFunnels offer tons of good-looking, professional templates to choose from. The ClickFunnels templates tend to be a bit more visually dramatic, while the LeadPages templates are more straightforward.

When selecting a template, LeadPages offers an option to sort templates based on their typical conversion rate. Let's say you are building a landing page for a webinar. You can filter the templates so that you are only looking at landing page templates for webinars and then sort them so the highest-converting templates are at the top.

leadpages sort by conversion rate

LeadPages sorts templates by type AND conversion rate, and so the point goes to LeadPages.

Customization Options

In this area, ClickFunnels gives more options. LeadPages seems to have traded customization for simplicity and ease of use. For an uber-professional (or a real control freak) this could be an issue.

So the point for amount of customization options goes to ClickFunnels. I also love the graphics and icons that come with ClickFunnels. They are professional, good-looking, and easy to find with a simple search.


This is a no-brainer. ClickFunnels costs about four times more than LeadPages. LeadPages also offers more subscription options. Point goes to LeadPages.


No point awarded at this time, as both platforms seem to have issues with accuracy. Neither set of numbers matches the numbers I am seeing in Facebook ads reporting. However, LeadPages does appear to be a bit more accurate.

The Winner

In summary, LeadPages has earned my nod. Though I would have preferred more options for customization and a little more flair from its template offerings, it works well right out of the box and takes a straightforward approach that makes it especially easy to use, even for beginners. Besides that, the price is hard to beat and gives LeadPages its biggest advantage over its closest competitor. It's what I am using, and a product I’ll definitely be recommending for my clients going forward.

This article originally appeared on

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