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5 Tips for Increasing Your Site's Domain Authority

Date published: December 16, 2022
Last updated: December 16, 2022

When building a website, there are many factors to consider and optimize. One of the most important is increasing domain authority (DA). When people head to a search engine like Google, they expect to find quality content that answers their questions. So, your website needs to be well-designed, and its information must be relevant and valuable to the user.

When optimizing your website to ensure it ranks well in search engine results, your domain authority can significantly impact it. Your domain authority can improve, resulting in more traffic and better search engine rankings. However, when done wrong, it can be challenging to recover from.

However, before diving into how to improve your domain authority, let's first understand what it is and just how important it is to the success of your website.

Key Takeaways

  • Domain authority was first created by the software company Moz.
  • Your domain authority is a ranking between 1-100 that tells others where you stand amongst competitors.
  • Building your domain authority takes time, but it is well worth the effort when done right.

What Is Your Domain Authority?

Domain authority is a metric used by search engines to measure the quality of a website and its content. It's a measure of the trustworthiness of a website and how likely people are to use it for their search queries.

The concept of domain authority was first created by Moz, a company that provides SEO and analytics software for websites. This metric is one of the most widely used to rate a domain's rankability in search engines. Essentially, it's a score between 1-100, giving you insight into things such as:

  • How likely is it that a user will click on your website in search results?
  • How trustworthy is your website?
  • What is the overall strength of your domain amongst other websites?
  • Are there insights into your organic traffic?

For instance, the higher your domain authority score, the more likely people will find your website in search results because you've established yourself as a trustworthy website by meeting the many requirements of Moz and the big search engines.

Moz uses over 40 factors to determine a website's domain authority, including:

  • total number of backlinks;
  • quality of backlinks;
  • overall SEO performance;
  • root domain (the highest hierarchical point in your website's structure ex:;
  • social singles; and
  • the quality of your content.
Domain Authority Report for Relevance

Domain Authority Report for Relevance Source: Moz.

Just How Important Is Your Websites Domain Authority?

Your website's domain authority is critical. It can directly affect the visibility of your website on search engines and the ability of visitors to find your content. Increasing domain authority scores is crucial for gaining organic traffic and more leads.

A good domain authority score can give you an advantage over your competitors and help you stay ahead in search engine rankings. Search engines often prioritize sites that meet requirements shared by those required to receive a higher authority score.

Finally, domain authority can help you build credibility and trust with potential customers, as having a higher domain authority score implies that your website is well-established and reliable.

Is domain authority a Google ranking factor?

Since having a high domain authority is often associated with high search engine rankings, it is natural to assume that domain authority is a Google ranking factor. However, that's not the case. Google explicitly states that domain authority is not a ranking factor.

John Mueller, a Webmaster Trends Analyst at Google, tweeted out the following information about domain authority:

Google does not use domain authority as a ranking factor.

Google does not use domain authority as a ranking factor. Source: John Mueller/Twitter.

So, if it is not a ranking factor, why is domain authority so crucial for those looking to rank higher in the SERPs?

The answer is simple: Google's ranking guidelines share several vital requirements for websites that wish to rank well and measure a site's overall domain authority.

For example, a trusted and reputable site providing only the most relevant information to its users often has a high DA. These are key factors that Google looks for when it ranks a website based on its E-A-T criteria.

Google E-A-T Update

Google E-A-T Update. Source: WordStream.

5 Tips for Increasing Your Website's Overall Domain Authority

Your website's domain authority is vital to its visibility and search ranking. The higher your website's domain authority, the more likely it will appear in search engine results. Here are five tips to help you improve your website's domain authority.

1. Improve on-page SEO.

On-page SEO involves optimizing the content on every page of your website for search engines so that it is as visible and relevant as possible. Such optimization includes using relevant keywords, optimizing images and videos, using meta tags, and more.

On-page SEO is essential to improving your website's domain authority since it helps search engines understand what the page is about and determine how valuable it is to users.

Optimizing your website pages for search engines can ensure that your website is as visible and relevant as possible, leading to higher search rankings and stronger domain authority.

2. Improve off-page SEO.

Off-page SEO optimizes your website beyond the webpage itself. It SEO includes link-building, social media promotion, and other forms of external marketing.

Off-page SEO helps to establish your website as an authority in its niche and improves its overall domain authority. Link building, in particular, is an integral part of off-page SEO since it helps to show search engines that other websites are linking to your website, which can lead to higher domain authority.

3. Improve technical SEO.

Technical SEO entails optimizing your website's code and structure so that search engines can easily crawl and index it. Optimizing your website's navigation and performance, ensuring that all the pages are correctly linked together, and ensuring that your website is secure is part of technical SEO.

Technical SEO is important when improving your website's domain authority since it helps search engine crawlers easily discover and understand your website.

Additionally, ensuring that your website is secure with an SSL certificate helps improve your website's trustworthiness, which is another key factor for determining domain authority.

4. Improve page speed.

Page speed is another important factor in domain authority, as it affects the user experience on your website. Users may become frustrated and leave if your website is slow to load, resulting in lower engagement and fewer conversions.

A slow-loading website can also hurt your search engine rankings, as Google prefers websites that load quickly. Improving your website's page speed can help you to improve your domain authority by providing a better user experience and boosting your search engine rankings.

5. Build a backlink strategy.

A backlink strategy is essential in improving your website's domain authority. The number and quality of your website's backlinks can significantly affect your domain authority score. As such, building authoritative backlinks from reliable and relevant sources is essential.

This strategy can include building relationships with influencers and industry experts, creating content that other websites will want to link to, and using social media platforms to promote your content.

Remaining Relevant with a High Domain Authority

Keeping your website's domain authority high is essential for maintaining a strong online presence and staying competitive.

It is important to consistently work on building and increasing domain authority by optimizing the areas discussed above. Doing so will help ensure that your website remains relevant and ranks well in search engine results.

With the right strategies, you can improve your website's domain authority and remain competitive in your industry.

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