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How to Use Screen Recording Videos in Your Content

Date published: September 16, 2020
Last updated: September 16, 2020

A closer look at the content marketing scene clearly reveals that video is the way to boost your digital presence and achieve a better level of engagement. With over 80 percent of all global traffic expected to come from video over the next two years, it is clear that video content is the way ahead. Screen recording videos have become a popular way of incorporating videos into your content.

Let’s look at the benefits of using screen recording content before we learn how to use them in the content.

  • Making visual content a core part of your marketing strategy can help attract more visitors to your blogs and web pages
  • Visitors can view these videos in the feed itself as you can post them natively without having to upload them on your YouTube channels.
  • Videos make it easier to explain problems and solutions to your visitors

How to use screen recording video in your content?

Using Demo How-To Videos

Research shows that most customers prefer learning about a product or service through videos. This means that a large percentage of your visitors would love it if you explain your product’s salient features and benefits through a video added to the content. You can use a Windows screen recorder to create such videos.

Introducing a New Product

Reference: EaseUS RecExperts

Are you planning to launch a new product or service? If your brand name is popular, you will have an audience ready and waiting for that announcement. A video can be a great way of sharing information about your new launch instead of using only a screen capture or text to describe what you plan to offer. It is a fact that consumers love to see a product or service in action, especially if they want to make a buying decision.

You can use videos to announce a new brand introduction in creative ways such as:

  • An interestingly created teaser
  • A detailed explanation of the product/service
  • Sharing information about some of its key and unique benefits
  • Providing a demonstration on how to use the brand for best results

A screen recording software can be used to make videos and achieve all of the above and more. The video can not only provide valuable information to users but also create an enticement around the brand in a very subtle manner. The more people understand how a product works, they are more likely to use it. That’s what the screen recording video should do - providing solutions to the queries that customers might have.

Sprucing Up Marketing Campaigns

The reason for creating content is to keep your audience better informed about various aspects of your business and brand such as how it can add value and make life more convenient. Screen recording videos can help marketers boost the campaign impact and drive home the brand message more powerfully. If you have the data on the percentage of your audience preferring visual content, you can structure your campaign in sync with their needs to generate an impressive ROI. This can be done by:

  • Addition of visual content to existing posts to reach those audiences who respond better to such type of media streams
  • Creating a visual strategy that can clear any confusion that your audience might have

Why Adding Screen Recorded Videos To Blogs Is a Great Idea

A Vlog video can add more value to your content and make it more informative. The direct impact of such a move is a noticeable increase in traffic to your blog. It is a simple and rather effortless way of adding more punch to your content and drawing the attention of a larger audience to your brand.

There is a debate on whether every blog should be interspersed with a screen recorded video. That might not be possible because the video must go along with the flow of the existing content and not appear as a jarring bump.  Choose those blogs that allow an easy way of incorporating the video at a prominent point of the content so that it can grab attention.

A Proven Way of Improving Customer Experience

Delivering a great customer experience is imperative for every business. If your blogs and articles are not delivering the kind of results you expect from your marketing campaign, try adding screen recorded videos to your campaign content. It is a simple and proven way of enhancing customer experience as they get the information they are looking for in their preferred format and medium.


While content stills rule the roost in digital marketing, the form of content, and the way it is presented is constantly evolving. Actionable content presented in a simple and friendly format delights customers. Screen recorded videos can help marketers enhance the level of audience response and achieve greater conversions.

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