How to Partner with Key Influencers to Sell eBooks Online

Date published: September 06, 2017
Last updated: July 9, 2024

Like any marketing strategy, partnering with key influencers to sell ebooks online requires an investment of time to create content and manage relationships, as well as monitor your successes and failures. The good news is if you get it right, your sales will increase exponentially, thanks to the passion and engagement of your partnering influencers’ audiences. With that said, the tactics for getting it going are more like a courtship than brokering a business deal, so here’s what you need to know.

First You Have to Get Their Attention 

Before you can get, you have to have something to give. This means you’ll need to develop something of a reputation as an authority in your own right. While it might not be an exact peer-to-peer relationship with the influencer, it helps a lot if you’re good at something they can’t do on their own. In other words, to get their attention you have to position yourself to be taken seriously. Before you approach an influencer, put in the time to build a decent following on your own.

Once you’re solid on that end, you can start gently rattling their cage. Mention them in your blog with a link to theirs. If you’re doing guest posts, plug them on a relevant site and tag them on Twitter so they find out about it. Over time, they’ll start wondering who you are and might get in touch with you. However, this could take a lot of time, so you also want to engage them directly.

Become a fixture on their blog site with intelligent and thoughtful comments to their posts. If they ask questions, provide cogent answers. When you see them pop up on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter or Vine, pose a question to which they can respond with brilliance. Do everything you can to make them look good, without stalking them. Don’t overdo it, but be consistent enough to get yourself noticed in a good way. Demonstrate value and you will become appreciated.

Your Goal is an Ongoing Relationship 

More than just a one-time promotion, your goal when partnering with a key influencer to sell ebooks online should be to create an ongoing relationship. Landing one guest post with such a person can stand you in good stead for a few days at best. Developing an ongoing relationship will carry you for years. In other words, you should be looking to exchange with them regularly. Keep in mind though, to get something you have to give something. Make sure reciprocation is part of your plan.

Now You Can Hit Them Up 

Once you know they’re aware of you and have respect for you, propose a formal working relationship. Offer articles for them to post and ask to quote them on your blog site. Invite them to guest speak on your podcast, suggest posting their articles on your site and come up with organic ways to include them wherever it makes sense. While they’ll see you promoting them, their audience will see them interacting with you—and will be curious to see what you’re all about.

Remember the Ongoing Part

Once your relationship hits stride, focus your efforts on maintaining it. Present new offers from time to time, refer them to people who might be able to help further their endeavors and just generally be a good friend. Above all, keep looking for ways you can promote one another. As your business grows and you develop new relationships, bring them along with you.

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