How to Optimize Your Content Marketing Campaigns Using AI

Date published: December 04, 2019
Last updated: December 4, 2019

How much time does your team spend on various content activities? These include discovering keywords, finding topics, writing, optimizing headlines, and designing your content strategy.

These activities are time-consuming but essential for the success of your content marketing campaigns.

Now, imagine a scenario in which you don’t need to carry out most of these activities but just need to fine-tune them. That is exactly how AI is transforming content marketing campaigns. It helps perform mundane tasks so that you can concentrate on high-value activities that can drive business growth.

MarketsandMarkets found that the artificial intelligence market is set to reach $190.61 billion by 2025. Deloitte also found that early adopters of AI expect it to transform their industries. 83% of market leaders said they had achieved substantial to moderate benefits using AI.

Here are the primary benefits of AI for companies:

Image via Deloitte

Let’s now try to understand how AI can help improve your content marketing campaigns.

AI in Content Marketing Campaigns

AI is transforming how brands and marketers create and distribute content. Advanced AI systems can both read and write human language. Every time they do so, they learn a little more and improve.

As a result, they’re able to read, analyze, suggest, and write content like, or better than, humans. They can analyze previous information and learn fast. AI can thus play an effective role in handling many repetitive tasks to help your team save time.

AI also allows you to create, brainstorm, promote, and optimize your content marketing campaigns.

It provides you with valuable insights from the data collected. These can help you make data-driven decisions that can positively impact your content marketing campaigns.

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How Does AI Help You Optimize Content Marketing Campaigns

How can marketers optimize their content marketing campaigns with AI? Let’s take a closer look.

1. Discover Hidden Insights

To improve your content marketing campaigns, you need information on your past campaigns. By understanding the shortcomings of those campaigns, you can optimize your current campaigns. These insights are the key to the success of your marketing efforts.

AI extracts useful information from the data of your past campaigns and effectively separates the insights from the noise. These insights can help you take steps to improve your current campaigns. AI can also help you carry out competitor analysis and create campaigns that perform better.

2. Create Great Visual Content

Your content marketing team may have access to many visuals that they use for campaigns. AI analyzes these visuals and identifies appropriate content for your target audience. It provides marketers with insights on what the consumers buy, click on, and share.

Cortex, for example, uses AI to consistently help marketing teams choose the best visuals for their brands. The tool analyzes images, colors, hashtags, keywords, cadence, timing, and more to help you identify the elements your audience loves the most.

Image via Cortex

Adobe Sensei is yet another AI tool that can help you identify what’s in a photo. It can analyze style, context, and quality. Through this tool, you can search for images in Adobe Stock with ease by using search terms that are relevant to the pictures.

3. Predictive Analytics

Accenture found that 91% of consumers are likely to shop with brands that remember, recognize, and provide appropriate recommendations. 83% of consumers will also share their data if it means that they get personalized experiences.

AI can help you accurately predict customer behavior and provide relevant content by leveraging consumer data.

AI uses consumer data to predict and recommend what consumers want. It powers content recommendations by analyzing consumer content consumption habits.

The systems become better at studying user actions and can better predict what the consumer wants to listen to, watch, or read next. This can help you deliver superior quality experiences to your consumers.

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4. Content Optimization

Content production is only one part of content marketing. You need to ensure that the content you’ve produced drives consumers to perform the right actions. AI can help you get your content in front of the right people.

Additionally, AI tools can help you discover the characteristics of great content. They also provide insights into how to improve the performance of your content.

The tools analyze your content and compare it with that of your competitors. They then offer topic recommendations to help you figure out which content will perform better. SEMrush, for example, enables you to conduct topic research, and find new content ideas and headlines that resonate with your audience.

The tools also identify channels through which you can engage consumers, depending on their stage in the buyer journey. You can curate content that is of greater value to the target audience by analyzing schematics and keywords in real-time. AI also identifies trending topics by tracking internet conversations.

AI can not only help you create new content but also help you optimize your existing content. The tools read your existing content and identify improvement opportunities.

AI can help you identify:

  • Additional or new keywords
  • Related topics to cover
  • Related content you can link to
  • SEO strategy updates to help improve rankings

AI tools also allow you to leverage the power of personalization. Through this, you can create content that can start conversations and improve the ROI of your marketing campaigns.

5. Automate Repetitive Tasks

Content marketing involves evaluation and data analysis, both time-consuming tasks if done manually.

AI can automate most manual and repetitive tasks, including content research. You can identify the best topics and use real-time data to determine engaging content formats.

Other tasks you can optimize using AI include SEO, aligning content with user intent, and proofreading. With AI, you can measure, analyze, personalize, promote, plan, and optimize your content too.

Freeing your content team from repetitive tasks gives them time to curate content that drives action.


AI is indispensable, especially in this data-driven age. It can help you optimize your content marketing campaigns by giving you powerful insights. Additionally, it can take care of repetitive tasks so that you can concentrate on improving the results of your campaigns.

You will no longer have to depend on your instincts to design content marketing strategies. Instead, you will have access to data-driven insights in real-time.

Based on these insights, you can also deliver personalized recommendations by analyzing user activities and behavior.

The future of content marketing lies in leveraging AI-powered tools to research, personalize, and create content.

AI content stands out and gives you a competitive advantage. It simplifies the way your content team works while providing the customer with an attractive experience.

Are you using AI to power your content marketing efforts? Do you have any tips or insights to share? Let us know in the comments.

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