How To Nurture Your PPC Leads With Email Marketing

Date published: December 19, 2018
Last updated: July 3, 2024

PPC is the fastest and most effective way to bring potential traffic to your website, but email marketing is the most effective way to nurture PPC leads.

80% of leads generated through PPC are not interested in your business and only half of it convert as customers. This is where lead nurturing comes into picture.

Lead Nurturing

Lead nurturing is used to build a relationship with the customer throughout every stage of sales process. Nurturing can be done with different marketing tools like email marketing and social media. Through these tools, you can provide relevant information to the prospect and convert them into customers.

How Does GDPR Affect PPC and Lead Nurturing?

GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) covers strict policies that directly influence PPC marketers and digital marketers. It implies that marketers need a deliberate consent for marketing and data sharing.

Given below is a list of the regulations that will transform PPC and lead nurturing:

a)   Right to Access

As a PPC marketer, you can only access personal data after the consumer’s permission.

b)   Right to be Forgotten

The user holds the ‘right to be forgotten’ which means that they can ask for their data to be removed from the system.

c)    Breach Notification

The customers should be informed about any breach without any unnecessary delay.

d)   Data Portability

The user reserves the right to ask for their personal data to be moved to another data controller.

e)   Privacy by Design

Limit the access to user data to only those who are required to process the information.

f)    Data Protection Officers

A professional should ensure that the new privacy regulations (with respect to GDPR) are being adhered to. Larger companies can hire a new individual for the position whereas for smaller businesses, an existing employee can take up the responsibility for this task.

Also Read: Email Marketing Subject Lines – Why They Can Make or Break Your Email Marketing Campaign (And What to Do About It)

What Should PPC Marketers Keep in Mind While Collecting User Information?

GDPR is primarily applied to EU-based users. However, it is recommended that you are mindful of certain points, as discussed below.

1.   Cookie Notice Pop-ups

Inform the user how their personal information will be used. It has become a standard practice to display a cookie notice pop-up so that the users can come to know that the website is tracking their behavior.

2.   Submission Form “Bill of Rights”

Below every lead generation form, it is imperative to let the prospect know about the information you are collecting and how it will be used. Also, mention the link to your brand’s privacy policy.

Pro-tip: While checkboxes will work better to get you leads, GDPR does not support pre-checked boxes.

Image Source:

3.   User Data Storage

We strongly recommend that you send a digital file that shares the personal data of any user.

See how Formaggio Kitchen shares the personal details provided by the user, at the time they sign up.

Segmentation as an Important Aspect of Lead Nurturing

Gather prospect information by using lead generation forms and apply filters like brand name, interested domain etc.

Check out the example below.

This information should not be in bulk and unorganized, otherwise you will never be able to focus on conversions. Segmentation enables better data management by categorizing the leads based on demography, geographic location, past purchases, etc.

Your email marketing services provider will let you segment your subscribers based on the information they have provided.

Check out the screenshot below. This is how segmentation usually works.

Image Source:

Check out the ways how segmentation helps in lead nurturing:

Target Leads Effectively

Lead nurturing does not work by throwing out a hook and wait to see who bites. It is about targeting your offer to the most relevant audience that is likely to convert.

Add More Value to the Prospects

Segmentation allows you to understand what your prospects are interested to hear from you and what kind of products or service they are looking for. It adds more value to the prospects by focusing on the people who are keener to convert and buy from you, thereby helping you to avoid the risk of annoying disinterested customers.

Works Well with Lead Scoring

Segmentation and lead scoring go hand in hand. With segmentation, you can separate the cold leads from the hot leads. Consequently, you will not have to waste time on leads who are not ready to convert.

Increased Likelihood to Convert

The ultimate benefit of smart and careful segmentation is that it enhances the conversion rate. You can create personalized email campaigns that allow you to target leads based on the stage of their buyer’s journey – namely awareness, consideration, and decision.

Also Read: How to Use the Art of Storytelling In Email Marketing

Nurturing PPC Leads with Email Marketing

#1 Make Your Sales Intro Personal

Try introducing your sales team through your lead nurturing campaign. This can give an identity to your company.

[bctt tweet="The aim behind sending introduction email is to make your prospects feel special." username="relevance"]

You can also make the new subscriber aware of your services and highlight the key benefits. It can help in building a rapport with a warm greeting to the subscriber. You can take advantage of the ‘attention bonus’ that you have at that time.

Pro-tip: Instead of sending emails with a generic email id, you may try sending email with name of the sales person.

Your signature should invariably include your name, links to the social media profiles, your contact details, and website address. Make sure, you choose the right font type and size and evoke a pleasant feeling in the reader.

Check out the example below. The headshot included in the email signature creates a more personal touch for the reader.

Image Source:

#2 Let Welcome Email do the Wonders

Welcome emails are the most important emails you can send to your new subscribers generated through a PPC ad. Thank the lead for signing up and welcome them on board with an interesting email. Let your customer get a chance to know the vision of your brand through this email.

[bctt tweet="Pro tip: You can create a video giving all necessary details regarding your business and add its link in your welcome email." username="relevance"]

You can also add direct video to make the experience. For more information look at the below mentioned email by HIPCAMP.

Videos in emails can get you 200-300% increase in click-through rates and your recent subscribers are more likely to convert after watching a video.

Here’s how you can add a video to your email.

<video width="320" height="176" controls poster=""><br/><source src="" type="video/mp4"><br/><!-- fallback 1 --><br/><a href="" ><br/><img height="176" src=" " width="320" /><br/></a><br/></video><br/><br/><br/>

Just make sure you include a suitable fallback for the email clients (like Yahoo! Mail, Outlook 2003-2016, AOL Mail, Gmail) that do not support videos in email.

#3 Educate (Inform) According to Their Search

You can try educating your lead with a series of emails. Provide the fundamentals that can be useful for them.

For example: If a subscriber is searching for a particular product and ends on your PPC landing page after clicking on the respective PPC ad, make sure you share more details about that product and convince them to complete the purchase.

I remember searching for ASICS shoes before a few days. I ended up clicking a sponsored PPC ad that displayed “GEL-KAYANO 25” product.

After signing up on their website, I received a couple of lead nurturing emails that promoted products similar to the one I had clicked on through their PPC ad. I obviously ended up spending $185 for my shoes just because of the enticing emails they sent me.

Here’s the culprit email that made me splurge. (grins)

#4 Share Testimonials and User Feedback

It is a good idea to share testimonials and ratings from your existing customers to build trust with the subscribers.

See the example by Airbnb below. They have intelligently included the ratings to convince the recipient of the awesomeness of the hotel. 

#5 Email Automation

With the growing competition, there is a need of increasing your customer base in order to survive the bottleneck. As a result, the functionality tends to get more complex and that makes it tough for the marketers to send out manual emails to every lead. Here, automation can help you.

Automation lets you craft emails based on the data gathered through PPC and trigger them based on the subscriber action.

For example: Re-engagement email is an important part of automated emails sent to PPC leads that have shown interest at a point of time, but eventually gone dormant due to some reason.

Also Read: How to Combine Email and Content Marketing for Increased Success

Key Takeaways

  • Only 50% of your PPC leads convert into customers.
  • Lead nurturing emails can be handy to get better conversion rate.
  • Send out personalized emails based on segmentation.
  • Testimonials and user feedback go a long way in nurturing emails.
  • Automate your email workflow to save on your time and efforts.
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