How to Choose the Right Content to Boost Your Brand Credibility

Date published: October 13, 2022
Last updated: October 13, 2022

A brand can use media to boost its credibility, if done strategically. Since consumers value working with brands that they know and trust, producing and releasing on-target content is an essential part of reaching potential customers. The question is — what type of content should you promote? What is going to get people to stop long enough to read, learn, and take action?

The truth is, there’s no single type of content that works for all industries or brands. However, there is a variety of content that tends to be interesting for many consumers. And there are steps you can take to improve your content and pick the best options to promote. If you’re ready to start improving your brand credibility through promoted content, keep reading.

1. Look for Content with a High Conversion Rate

There’s content that people remember as it influences their decisions, and there’s content that’s skimmable and easily forgotten. When it’s broken down that simply, it should be easy to know which to promote. But it’s not that simple.

Achieving a high conversion rate entails creating media that people want and need to consume. After you’ve accomplished that Herculean task, you should aim to promote that content. If people are proving they’re already gaining value from a post by taking action, further promote that content to reach more people.

One of the best examples of content that converts is a guide. If it contains valuable content, consumers will read it, learn something, and want to take action. If consumers believe that the guide they’ve signed up for is a free resource and they are getting an extra perk, that can be even better. Who doesn’t love receiving something of value for free?

Another type of high-performing content you might consider developing are blogs. If they cover a topic that’s useful and actionable, users often invest their time into consuming that material. Add a strong call to action to it, and you have content that’s likely to produce some conversions.

2. Choose Content That Resonates with Your Audience

While informative blogs can have a high conversion rate, articles that resonate with your audience are also likely to perform well. The information that will resonate is going to differ from one business to the next. However, it is common that these are the types of blogs that rank well for search engines because people are frequently searching for the topics.

Sometimes, these blogs are those that share a key insight about your business or industry. They answer questions, provide thought-provoking perspectives, or share a feeling with the people who are reading them. While authoritative articles typically remain objective, it can be beneficial to add personal perspectives and emotional reactions, if appropriate. This tactic can humanize your brand and make your content more relatable. Used properly, this type of content can foster a strong brand influence, especially when they are shared many times over.

3. Dive into Long-Form Guides That Rank Well

When a consumer has a problem and turns to a search engine for solutions, they are going to click on websites and links with answers. They aren’t looking for content that’s selling a solution, they’re looking for a person or company to teach them. If you can provide that resource, you’re showing this consumer that you know what you’re talking about, and you’re on their side.

Long-form guides that incorporate a great deal of information and become a resource for people are key to proving credibility. And they’re likely already ranking well. If you have a content strategy that includes guides or plans to create them, put more effort behind promoting them. Doing so can help get more attention for your valuable content. Then, once you’ve established trust with consumers by providing information, it’s easier to encourage them to take action — whether that means making a purchase or referring you to friends.

4. Emphasize Stat-Heavy Infographics

Stats matter. Any business can make up facts and put together a blog about what their product does. However, companies that take the time to research and develop accurate stats are more likely to create interesting content.

Materials that include statistics are viewed as more authentic. It creates credibility because it shows claims are backed up with facts. It is also more believable than any type of sales message. It is the type of material that people can read, recognize as valuable and true, and then share with others. They are more likely to recognize a brand as an authority in its industry when the content is comprehensive and easily digestible.

Look for short, to-the-point infographics that are full of good stats to add to your content or promote on its own. If you can’t find them, create them! People appreciate industry-wide statistics and data, which means your content is likely to perform well. Additionally, if you’re organizing data in an easy to understand format, it’s likely others will cite you. Being referenced by others can lead to further promotion and recognition for your brand.

5. Take it to Video

Consumers often value influencers more than brands themselves. That’s because influencers are people who are authentic, transparent, and engaging in the content they produce. You can take advantage of this yourself if you create interesting, informative videos. These should not be sales hype or product demonstrations but opportunities to truly engage with your audience. You should aim to make a meaningful impression.

Creating videos can seem intimidating, but building credibility means showcasing your authority and passions. It also means sharing your knowledge in a way that people can see why they should listen to you. Talking about your area of expertise on camera showcases your company in a way that’s hard to replicate with a blog or social media post.

Creating videos helps authentically show who you are. Viewers can hear the passion in your voice and see the joy you express when talking about your values. There’s a reason influencers are paid for what they do, and it’s because it drives results. It may not always be easy to step in front of a camera, but doing so can help you build your credibility.

What Is the Value of Building a Brand?

That’s often the big question. If you are going to put the time and effort into this process, what is it really going to do for you? When you invest in your brand, you’re not just focusing on one sale. Your goal is to build loyalty, so people are going to come back to you numerous times. You also build a brand story that people can feel good about and stand behind. Often, brand authority lends itself to word-of-mouth advertising and can even help when it comes time to raise capital.

If you are not working on building your brand yet, now is the time to do so. The right content can make that possible, along with the best team in the industry to support you. Take time this week to reach out to us to learn more about building your content strategy.

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