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How to Build Your Personal Brand

Date published: June 24, 2020
Last updated: June 24, 2020

Everyone has a personal brand. Preserving that reputation is vital for individuals and can often help people to advance in their field.

The importance of personal branding isn’t reserved specifically for the businessmen and businesswomen of the world. Strategic branding can be a useful tool in any industry or trade.

Remember, personal branding isn’t an overnight achievement but requires continuous maintenance. Every lawyer and plumber alike must envision and develop a positive image of themselves that they can relay to their potential customers. This image is better known as a  personal brand.

The process used to establish that image is referred to as personal branding. Branding yourself is essential because it stimulates an emotional connection. Once a potential customer has aligned themselves with your system of core values, it may be difficult (subconsciously or consciously) to contact another lawyer or plumber for their services.

As you build your personal brand, here are some critical steps you’ll need to take to in making your name a household name.

Start with the end goal

Set aside some time to unwind in your happy place or any space where you’re able to do your best creative thinking. Then, start by asking yourself how you want to be perceived by your potential customers/buyers. Make a list of the attributes that you want people to associate with your name.

It’s helpful to think of your personal brand as consisting of six different parts:

  • Values
  • Passions
  • Core strengths
  • Functional skills
  • Expertise
  • Attributes

Team up with a PR firm to develop a strategy

After you have a good idea of your end goal, you’ll need to talk to a professional about personal branding services. These professionals will help you identify speaking opportunities, strategic partnership, and help you build community relationships. They will also assist you in planning and organizing events that will broadcast your name to your target audience.

These PR professionals may also suggest specific marketing strategies that will appeal to your target market and your primary demographic range. As part of this process, you may have to generate new content for your website. Treat their suggestions concerning your social media pages as invaluable gems. With the help of a PR firm, you can utilize your accounts as tools that will keep your name at the forefront of the public’s focus. These professionals will even teach you how to use pay-per-click advertising, among other tools, to extend your personal brand’s reach.

Regardless of the strategy that’s developed, linking positive memories or thoughts with your name should always be a top priority.

Understanding your target audience

While your personal brand should showcase who you are and what makes you unique, you need to stop and consider the viewers or followers who are listening to your messages. These groups make up your target audience.

Your target audience consists of any current customers, future buyers in-the-making, and the larger web of persons and communities who influence your current/future customers. Anyone who can sway the opinion of your target buyer or is capable of recommending you to a future buyer is a major part of this intricate system and is worth accommodating in your marketing strategy.

For example, assume for a minute that you are a high school coach who puts on coaching clinics for players. Your target audience would include high school baseball players and their parents. This network might also include grandparents who are willing to pay for coaching services and other coaches who could potentially refer their players to your clinic.

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Know your competition

While your personal brand should be centered on your core values, you’ll also want to consider what sets you apart from your competitors. As you pinpoint competing forces, identify what personality traits or skillsets they’re highlighting in their marketing campaigns and compare them to your own natural abilities. Without cutting down your competitors, you can showcase your personality, in the interest of becoming more relatable to your customers.

You should also evaluate what credentials your competitor can’t match. For example, a college degree or specialized training can distinguish you from other competitors. Your level of experience can also set you apart from your competitors. Regardless of what skills you choose to advertise to your target audience, don’t ever demean or belittle others in your community.

A crucial step in personal branding is examining your interests and letting people know what you are passionate about. Humanizing yourself to potential buyers increases their chances of purchasing your goods and services, once they can put a face to your brand. Remember, a customer is more willing to trust those they’ve personally connected with, beyond a professional sphere.

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