How Facebook Groups Can Boost the Effectiveness of SMM

Date published: July 20, 2017
Last updated: July 3, 2024

Take a moment to think: how many Facebook groups have you subscribed to? As a Facebook user, you have the right to join up to 6000 groups. Even if you’re not part of that many, they are important. You became a member to a group because you wanted to get constant updates. You take part in discussions and you have many things in common with the other members. When you get notifications for updates from important groups, you check them out to see what’s going on.

Do you get the point? With a Facebook group, you have an opportunity to gather a targeted group of people in one place. They will follow the activity of the group. They will discuss and comment. They will ask questions. You’ll see most actions you want to get through your social media marketing campaign.

Why You Need a Facebook Group to Boost your Marketing Campaign

If you check any Facebook marketing guide for small businesses, you’ll see the standard tip: create a page and make it popular. Why would you possibly add another element to your social media marketing campaign? Your brand is already on Facebook and you’re trying to make it more visible every single day.

We have a few reasons for you:

  • The group will be more visible than your Facebook page. The subscribers will get notifications about new posts, and that will keep the discussions going. Facebook users can turn the notifications off if they don’t want them, but not many subscribers will decide to do that.
  • The subscribers will get mobile notifications, too.
  • The members of a group feel like a community. They know that if they have a question, someone from a group is more likely to answer it.
  • You can offer effective customer support through the Facebook group.
  • The most important thing to think about is that the Facebook group gives you another chance to promote your brand.

No, the group won’t substitute the page. Facebook pages are still a crucial element of social media marketing. The group, however, will be a great addition.

How to Unlock the Potential of Facebook Groups

We covered the why. Now, let’s tackle the how.

How can you make a Facebook group an effective part of your social media marketing campaign?

  1. Create the Right Type of Group

When you’re setting up a group, you’ll have three visibility options to choose from:

  • Public

If you make the group public, everyone will be able to see the posts and comments, as well as the members. There’s nothing wrong with a public group if you’re promoting a brand. If you expect the members to post comments and experiences regarding your products and services, they won’t mind other people seeing them. If, however, your group is related to personal issues such as social anxiety, poverty, or anything else that people rarely share, public is not the right way to go.

  • Closed

Anyone can see the members of a closed group. However, they won’t be able to see posts. If they want to join, they have to send a request and wait for the approval. Closed groups are good because the admin controls the participation. If you want only relevant subscribers, you won’t allow access to the ones who look suspicious.

  • Secret

If you make the group private, you’ll create a VIP Facebook community. Only the people invited or added to the group will know it exists. Only the members will see the posts and get updates. It’s top secret. It’s suitable for some small businesses. If, for example, you’re promoting a local gym, you’ll probably do it through a Facebook page. The secret group, however, will be a closed community for all members of the gym. There, they can discuss their progress and post personal photos to inspire each other.

  1. Provide Value for the Users

Why should someone join the group when they can simply like the page? If you want more people in your Facebook group, you have to make them special.

  • They should be the first ones to get information about new products or services, as well as special promo codes.
  • You can create a group that’s exclusive for people who have purchased your product. There, they can share experiences and tips on how to use its full potential. You can also offer effective customer support through this group.
  • Invite the members to discussions. The topic may be a current event, a specific feature of the product, the way it’s improved their lifestyle, or anything else that comes to your mind.
  • The greatest value in a Facebook group is the feeling of community. Jared Easley, a podcast author, explains how Facebook communities helped him grow his business: “The team constantly looks for appropriate posts to share, curating information that’s relevant to the community. They also try to foster relationships in the group, and highlight people in the community who are doing something noteworthy. That’s the way you do it: you develop a community by encouraging communication and giving credit to the members.”
  1. Promote Your Brand Through Other Facebook Groups!

You’re not going to limit your activity to your own Facebook group. The opportunities of this kind of social media marketing are much greater. Think about it: you and your team members can join various groups that are relevant to the business. Then, you can start building your brand’s authority there.

  • Answer questions! This is the best way to get noticed inside a Facebook group, since you’re providing value for the community. Of course, your answers have to be relevant and problem-solving. If you have nothing to say on a particular question, just stay reserved.
  • Post some helpful tips the community could be interested in.
  • Ask for the members to participate in a survey. When you join communities your brand targets, you already have a great sample to survey.
  • Share promo codes with the members. That’s a great way to drive more traffic towards your website.
  • Don’t spam the group! You don’t want to be that annoying member who thinks they know everything about everything.
  • Your activity in someone else’s Facebook group should not be completely promotional. You can mention your brand now and then, but keep the main rule to mind: value.

Let’s sum it up, shall we? Create your Facebook group! Make it really engaging and attractive. Don’t forget to expand your activity to other Facebook groups and make your brand noticed!

Facebook gives us more opportunities for marketing than we realize. Facebook groups are often neglected. It’s time for us to unlock their potential.

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