[GUIDE] Publish 10 Blog Posts A Week With These Formulas

Date published: March 26, 2013
Last updated: March 26, 2013

Everyone knows that blog posts are a great way to drive traffic and assist in converting website visitors. The struggle for most marketers is finding the time, manpower, and ideas to publish helpful and entertaining blog posts on a consistent basis. Imagine if you had a repeatable schedule and bank of ideas that allowed you to publish three, five, and even 10 posts a week? Publishing 10 blog posts a week may seem daunting, but it's definitely achievable. All you need are ten dedicated authors who can crank out 350-1,000 words per week and these formulas:

Monday Morning: Make a Statement

Start your 10 blog posts a week with a bold Monday statement. Monday mornings are a great time to plant a flag and make a strong statement. In this blog, let your subject-matter expert or thought-leader lay out why they do things the way they do, and why other people should do it that way too. It's a great opportunity to set yourself apart from competitors and confidently assert your authority on a subject.

Example: "3 Reasons Why You Should..."

Monday Afternoon: Highlight an Industry Study, Trending Data, or Research

Bringing new data or findings to the attention of your community is a great way to show that you stay current on industry news. Check the leading trade journals and publications for new research, as well as the independent blogosphere.

Example: "New Research From 'X' Shows..."

Tuesday Morning: Write a How-(Not)-To Guide

How-to guides are guaranteed to be considered helpful by your readers, especially if you tackle a complicated process. Layout instructions in a step-by-step manner and include screenshots, describe how not to do something, and show examples of notable failures.

Example: "[Guide] How To Implement the New YouTube Channel Layout"

Tuesday Afternoon: Comment on a Trending News Story

Depending on the industry you're in, it's possible that a trending news story, controversy, or gaffe is dominating the headlines. Take this opportunity to "newsjack" the topic and steer the conversation to your blog.

Example: "What 'X' Can Teach Us About 'X'"

Wednesday Morning: Review a New Service or Tool

Are there any SaaS tools that you use regularly, or perhaps a new release or feature added to an industry standby? Share the pros and cons of the latest software updates and startups - you might even get that company to share your critique!

Example: "[REVIEW] Measuring and Monitoring with Sprout Social"

Wednesday Afternoon: Share a Case Study

Here's your chance to share the results of the great work you completed recently. An effective format is to present the case study as a suggested methodology (think: how-to guide), then link to the actual results as a downloadable.

Example: "Results of Latest Earned Media Campaign Show 45% Traffic Increase"

Thursday Morning: Weigh Two Opposing Strategies or Tactics

Initiating a debate on your blog is a great way to generate comments and social shares. Present two competing philosophies, weigh the merits of each, and invite your community to voice their opinion.

Example: "YouTube vs Vimeo for Marketers: Which Is Better?"

Thursday Afternoon: Repurpose a Client Email

Client emails are a content goldmine. It's likely that your client-facing employees write literally thousands of words a week to clients via email, some of which may answer technical questions. Why not identify one such email and repurpose it into a blog post? That way if another client or prospect asks the same question, you have something written up to send them!

Example: "What's the Best Way to Tackle X'?"

Friday Morning: Roundup the News of the Week

An easy and repeatable blog post is a weekly news roundup. Your author can dig for the most talked-about or shared articles of the week and compile them into a list, with a short (original) synopsis for each. As with sharing new industry data or findings, this is a great way to show that you stay on top of things.

Example: "Top 10 "X" Articles of the Week"

Friday Afternoon: Repurpose a Video

If you're producing videos on a regular basis (you should be), publishing them on your blog is a quick and easy way of creating content. Be sure to transcribe your videos for out-of-the-box text content. Round out the post with an original intro and outro, and the embedded video, and you've got yourself a winner.

Example: Moz Whiteboard Friday Videos

Bonus Backup Ideas:

  • Answer a question from Quora
  • Highlight someone doing good work
  • Repurpose a live presentation slide deck, webinar slide deck, or podcast
  • Introduce a new employee
  • Recap an event you attended
  • Introduce a new downloadable white paper, guide, or eBook
  • Interview an industry thought-leader
  • Publish a company press release
  • Highlight a customer, vendor, or partner

Publishing 10 blog posts a week takes dedication, discipline, and diligence, but can pay huge dividends in the form of increased traffic and conversions. Rally your writers, assign topics, and try it for a week!

For help optimizing all those blog posts, download this blog optimization guide in PDF or Kindle format.

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