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Relevance has built partnerships with individuals at highly regarded sites such as Forbes, Inc. and ReadWrite. Whether you’re looking to promote a book or increase your expertise credibility, we have the resources to get the exposure to reach your goals.


Relevance realizes the importance of branding and successful PR. We craft your digital PR strategy so that you’ll be mentioned in relevant, important industry conversations. We then employ consistent PR outreach that creates long-term success in building your credibility in the ways you envision. You’ll then have all the content you need to impress and attract audiences on social media, your website, in your email drip campaigns, and more.

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We emphasize:



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Get your brand out there.

The PR space can seem daunting. Schedule time with Will to chat through your goals and see what digital PR could do for your brand's credibility.

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Get Your Learn On

Digital PR Guides and Articles:

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The proof is in the (proverbial) pudding

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We love the work we do and the brands we do it for. Take a look at some of our favorite success stories:


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200% increase in monthly revenue

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198% increase in organic traffic

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833% increase in search query clicks

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