Digital Marketing - Investment or Spending?

Date published: December 20, 2017
Last updated: June 27, 2024

When companies go through more complicated times and sales fall, managers have to make some decisions and these are almost always associated with financial cuts. These cuts are usually linked to the reduction of positions associated with human resources and marketing, which is wrong! Find out why.

A marketing team or an agency is responsible for carrying out internal and external analyzes of the company. Analyzing market trends, how your audience relates to brands and creating strategies to combat any crisis is always the responsibility of marketing.

Discover the reasons that make digital marketing an investment and never a spending: 

1 - Helps to increase sales

Digital marketing actions are based on strategies studied so that you can reach the right audience at the right time. Increasing sales mean reaching the audience when they are interested in your product or service. For this you will have to invest in marketing. Study your audience, understand their needs and offer a value proposition that it really seeks.

2 - Customer Loyalty

For any company it is easier and cheaper to keep a customer loyal than to win new ones, so it is the right path to follow in times of crisis. Digital marketing strategies should be tailored for this purpose.

Digital marketing plays a key role in this loyalty:

  • Define CRM strategies to keep the client connected to the company;
  • Improve the experience of each client, making him/her feel special;
  • Analyze and study what pleases each client;
  • Create some plans that will create benefits for customers to stay connected with the company.

3 - Excellent relation between cost and return

Despite the many advantages that Digital marketing brings to companies, this requires less financial investment than the traditional means. The investment in digital marketing is always defined by the entrepreneur and there is a minimum, which is according to the capabilities of the companies.

4 - Investing in digital marketing is always measurable

Unlike traditional marketing, in the digital world it is always possible to measure the actions taken. When they think of putting a billboard on your company in a certain place, it is impossible to calculate the direct impact that this had on their sales, but with digital marketing it goes completely in the opposite direction. You can measure how many times each ad was viewed, how many people clicked on it, and how many people made a purchase or contacted the company.

5 - You can communicate with anyone who really has an interest in your business

Through the databases that social networks and Google have, you can target people based on factors such as interests, demographics, and geography. Internet users leave precious information to advertisers. According to this information we can announce to anyone who really has an interest in their products.

6 – Always results in higher sales

A good digital marketing strategy for companies based on inbound marketing will allow the following:

  • Attract (through various issues like blogs, SEO, sponsored links, social networks);
  • Convert (through the creation of offers, landing pages and CRO);
  • Relate (via email marketing, marketing automation and lead nutrition);
  • Sell (through scores of leads, Inbound Sales and CRM);
  • Analyze (through various software metrics and statistical analysis).

As you can see, everything presented above will make it simple to increase your sales volume exponentially. However, it is necessary to invest because all forms of attracting customers involve expenditure. But it's important to note that it is far more expensive not to invest in marketing for companies than to withdraw a portion of your budget to make that investment. 


Investing in advertising to leverage a particular name, brand or company is indispensable. Instigating the engagement of your consumer public, regardless of the medium of publicity, contributes directly to the loyalty of your service as your customer, since good marketing generates a good reputation and, consequently, the attraction and increase of its public.

Why Digital Marketing? Is using the digital medium as a means of dissemination is an investment or an expense? What makes digital media the main differential for the "Start" and "boom" of your brand / company? The trend is clear: Companies will no longer invest in advertising / marketing that does not convert direct results to the business. The internet has completely changed the scenario and demands made by corporate CEOs regarding the practical data of their marketing investments.

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