Dental Websites: What Your Website Needs To Bring Patients In

Date published: February 11, 2019
Last updated: July 2, 2024

Many people think that the world of dentistry is just about teeth and anything associated with the maintenance of teeth. Well, they couldn’t be more wrong. To even have a dental practice, there are so many aspects involved, and one of those aspects is the practice’s website.

Dentists often times think that simply having a website is marketing enough. They think that if they have a website showcasing the services they provide and their education and experience that it will be enough, and the truth is that it’s not. It takes a lot more to convince potential patients to choose you over the other dentists and it takes a lot more to build your brand.

Your Website and Dental Phobia… Could There Be a Connection? Possibly!

It’s pretty common to hear of people having phobias, or “fears of” certain things. Spiders, small spaces, and heights are typical things that people have phobias of, but did you know people have phobias of going to the dentist? It’s called dental phobia. According to, people that suffer from dental phobia will suffer from gum infections, pain, and unsightly teeth all out of fear of going to the dentist. Some common reasons people avoid the dentist are because of:

  • Fear of pain
  • Fear of anesthesia effects/not waking back up from anesthetics
  • The embarrassment of bad breath
  • Fear of needles/injections

Your website can have the ability to at least put those fears at ease. You want potential patients to visit your website and see what their life could look like after visiting YOUR office. So it’s definitely a good idea to refrain from showing off any of the sharp objects in photos. Remember, the goal of your website is to bring people in, not run them off.

Being that the times have changed, you can’t just have a website anymore that flashes your company’s logo...that’s just not enough anymore. If you want to really attract potential patients to show true interest in your services, you’re going to need a website that is strategically created from the beginning.

Design: Clean, Custom, and Modern

This aspect is very important to bringing possible patients in. You know how they say first impressions are everything? Well, the same thing can be said about your website. Your homepage and landing pages are where visitors will start forming an opinion about your practice based on your website. What they see in the first few moments on your site can lead them to keep looking through your site or cause them to hit the back button.

The design of your site needs to be clean, modern, and easy to understand and navigate. Having a clean and modern aspect to your site allows visitors to receive helpful information all while being directed to take action and set up an appointment. Adding the custom aspect makes your site memorable to potential clients. It essentially should tell your story.

Get the Most for Your Site with Dental SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

There’s so much more to SEO besides adding keywords. If you want your dental site to rank high on search engines such as Google, without coding errors, then your front and back ends have to be optimized properly and dental SEO experts are great for enhancing the online presence of your dental practice.

For one, dental SEO companies are experts in the business, and with that, they’ll be able to handle all the marketing needs for your website. Dentists won’t have time for that, so it would actually be in the practice’s best interest to let the dentists handle the teeth and let the SEO be handled by experts in that area.

Added Features Make the Website Appealing

When we speak about added features, those added features include videos, blog posts, and testimonials. These added features help a potential patient get to know the practice on a level outside of services offered and how qualified the dentist actually is.


Videos are one of the most popular and powerful marketing tools out today in the dental industry. With videos, you are able to really tell your story, and one way that dental sites are telling their stories is by showcasing testimonials by way of videos.

Patients and dentists have been able to tell success stories through video clips. It’s one thing to post testimonials in writing, but it’s a lot more convincing when people can actually see the people that have actually been helped by your practice’s services. It builds rapport and eases fears.

Blog Posts

Blog posts are another great addition to your website. It makes patients more comfortable and allows them to see aspects of the practice that’s not so technical. The key thing with blog posts is that you want to create quality content that visitors will actually read and enjoy or at least put their fears and inhibitions at ease.

Now, with that quality content, you have to lure the readers in the title and during the first paragraph. If you can’t bring them in with that, people won’t read or continue to read your blog posts, so if you’re going to have blogs, make them good.

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