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Content Marketing Tips from Journalists

Date published: February 03, 2016
Last updated: February 3, 2016

Content marketing is one of the most effective ways to create a strong internet presence as a brand. Through blogs, social media forums, and web content, you can inform your audience more about your brand, encourage them to use the brand and get feedback from customers as well. Content marketing cuts across all internet platforms such as social media sites, websites, and search engines. One important thing to remember when it comes to content marketing is wording is very important. Most content marketers know all about using keywords, links and other inserts to content that will redirect traffic, but when it comes to catchy titles and quality content, they can learn a thing or two from journalists.

Many principles of journalism already influence online marketing strategies. Factors such as style, grammar, and vocabulary all influence the target audience to make a decision regarding the brand whether positive or negative. Many content marketers often think of the quantity of content they can generate to meet the eager and ever growing internet audience, but do not pay much mind to the quality of this content.

Give Context to Links

Using links is a major way of redirecting user traffic back to the brand website. These links are often embedded in articles and blogs that internet users can read either to know more about the brand or information related to the brand. One of the biggest mistakes that content marketers make is inserting links without giving context to it. You should not make readers click away from a page just to get information. It is advisable to be generous with words, give the right facts in the right place and then insert the link for the audience to click on.

Get the Facts Right

The content should not simply be a tool to get your audience to click on the link and buy into the brand. When content writers only think of the content as a marketing tool, they fail to meet the right standards in content quality. This includes guessing or falsifying information, misinterpreting the results of studies conducted in relation to that brand and other grave discrepancies. Remember there are some internet users who are widely read and making such errors can reflect negatively on the brand you are so desperately trying to promote. Recycling content from one blog to another is a common practice among content marketing. In this process, crucial pieces of information are lost or misinterpreted. Fact checking is crucial when writing content.

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Reporting creates a much more insightful and challenging thought process with audiences rather than simply recycling content that has been trapped in the industry cycle for years with little or no additional information. Rather than pulling snippets of information from one blog and blending it into another, content marketers can create more of a buzz by actually interviewing industry experts and spark meaningful conversions to report to audiences. This will elicit more interest and attract serious traffic to your website with great conversion rates.

Know What the Audience is Looking For

You can do great with half a page of content that directly addresses the audience’s interest needs than two pages worth of irrelevant information. Merging creative ideas with market analytics can have a great impact on the audience decisions when it comes to content marketing. Every content marketer should have a deep understanding of what the content is all about and meeting the audience’s expectations. Content writers should engage in brainstorming meetings to come up with useful ideas for the blog. Combining the creativity and knowledge of many minds can lead to creating effective content. You do not want the ready to simply open the article but also click through to access the information or product in question.


The audience should be aware of the purpose of the information given in the content. The point of content marketing is purely to create brand exposure, which results in revenue. Therefore your only challenge should be making the content as relevant and as delightful as possible to the target audience so that they can use the brand.


Attribution is an essential skill in content writing that many content marketers fail to use. Human is to error, sometimes errors are passed from one article to another to the point that the lie becomes the new truth. This is often a problem with brand marketing in small industries. Attribution of hard facts and figures given in articles helps to prevent the muddling of facts along the chain of blogs that they are used in. With attribution, it is easy to pinpoint the exact moment where facts got twisted and equally, easy to set the record straight.


Writing content for content marketing requires a multidisciplinary approach in order to have the desired effect on the target audience. The input of journalists to marketing content is about as important as that of content marketers.

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