Amplifying B2B Marketing Content with Google Plus [Infographic]

Date published: December 17, 2014
Last updated: December 17, 2014

When websites like Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn started running in the markets, it changed the playing field for networking: personalized profiles to “self-advertise” are fast, free and easy to access. Business cards are becoming less relevant than page clicks. Now more than ever before, you can connect faster with other like-minded entrepreneurs (or customers) to get an e-troduction and share professional aspirations without ever having met face-to-face.

For companies who need to share, access and provide information in a fast-paced environment, social media platforms are often the best way to that. These websites are the new wave of marketing, and they are great for boosting one’s self-narrated “life story,” where photos can be shared or hidden, friends made and lost.

But for businesses looking to network with other organizations, these websites are missing one important element: the ability to share and exchange ideas with personalized, self-selected audiences.

Thanks to the mega-empire Google has created, information can be targeted to specific audiences a la Google Plus. The business-friendly social platform has all the benefits of Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn, plus it allows users to publish, post and share their thoughts, favorite articles, and latest business schemes - all under their own discretion.

With Google Plus, businesses can personally target certain ‘circles’ to see and share information with – a great way to amplify business-to-business marketing content. Whether you’re just getting started, or looking to increase engagement on an established page, here’s a how-to to get started with Google Plus:


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