AI + Content: How They Can Work Together

Date published: September 13, 2023
Last updated: March 7, 2024

We’re in the midst of an AI revolution. Even so, if anyone tells you we lowly humans will be swapped out for superior machines in the next year or two, Matrix-style, think twice before you believe them.

Pew Research reports that “the transition through AI will last the next 50 years or more.” Will artificial intelligence change the world? Almost certainly. But it won’t happen overnight.

Nor does it have to be apocalyptic. Rather than fret over what AI could mean decades down the road, it’s important for leaders to recognize the positive value it can contribute today — including in the area of AI content and marketing.

If you’re trying to develop a solid content marketing strategy as a way to climb to the top of your industry, it’s important that you integrate AI into the plan. Here are a few suggestions for how to do so effectively.

The “All or Nothing” Issue With AI

The issue with AI content is that entrepreneurs, marketers, and other leaders tend to see it as an “all or nothing” proposition. Should you work with a human content creator or swap them out for automated alternatives?

The correct answer to that question is neither. Human and AI content are not mutually exclusive. In fact, when humans use AI writing tools and other machine learning elements alongside their own efforts in their content marketing, it can have a synergistic effect.

AI can help assist in content generation in ways that are more efficient and effective without ever taking over as the tool for your content creation process. In fact, as we’ll see in a minute, you never want to wholly trust AI as a content-generating option. Rather, you want to blend it into your pre-existing content creation process.

If you want to use AI in your content creation, start by seeing it as an addition rather than an alternative to your current content creation processes.

Using AI to Improve Your Content

Okay, so you’re willing to use an AI tool in your content writing. What next?

You definitely don’t want to simply copy AI and call it a day. In fact, while everyone has a different opinion, ChatGPT itself seems to think directly copying and pasting AI-generated content is plagiarism without proper attribution. Not to mention that right now ChatGPT doesn’t output any info that is from after 2021.

Fortunately, there are many other ways that you can use AI content to boost your content strategy, including:

  • Brainstorming: Use AI as an elite ideation service for content ideas from social media to an email to a blog post on the company website. It can output a quick list of topic ideas you can pick and choose from when you’re feeling stumped.
  • Outlines: AI can provide outlines of varying lengths depending on your needs and specifications. Use it to help organize your thoughts and your upcoming blog.
  • Keyword research: AI can quickly assemble lists of powerful keywords that can turn a human-centric piece of content into an SEO-optimized masterpiece. Yes, you still need to guide it on keywords and themes, but it can help narrow your list of what to target.
  • Quotes and statistics: Artificial intelligence also has the power to help you locate relevant quotes and statistics without spending hours researching. You’ll still want to fact check them, but it will definitely save you time.

You don’t have to swap human creators out for AI content tools to benefit from the power of artificial intelligence. From ideation to optimization to research, there are several ways AI can increase efficiency and enhance the quality of your content by working alongside you.

Safeguarding Against Overly-AI-Infused Content

While AI writing is a powerful tool to enhance your content, you want to make sure you’re using it correctly. The last thing you want to do is get pegged with plagiarism by Google and have your SEO strategy suffer as a result.

With that in mind, it’s wise to take steps to safeguard against any unethical or unhelpful side effects that can come with using an AI tool in content creation. Here are a few tips to help you double-check your AI content:

  • Start by using a tool like Grammarly to check for any blatant plagiarism within your AI-generated content. Use an AI content detection tool that can ensure your content doesn’t have glaring chunks of synthetic text.
  • Along with using an AI detection tool, you should also check your AI stats. ChatGPT will often provide data that is 2-3 years old, which may be irrelevant and have more accurate alternatives. Current stats are crucial in creating high quality content.
  • Check all of your content with an eye toward ensuring it is written for human readers. Make sure everything addresses and answers readers’ questions and is aimed at being helpful and informative at the end of the day.

Try investing in a content strategy partnership if you need an expert’s advice. A content marketer can give you insight by providing content ideas that translate into an effective blog post. By combining human oversight and editorial acumen with the efficiency of AI, you can take your content strategy to the next level.

Integrating AI Content Into Your Strategy

Generative AI is the future. And while AI content generation may be able to assist you in creating a killer content strategy, using an AI writer isn’t foolproof.

If you want high quality content, you need to create marketing collateral that showcases Google's E-E-A-T concept— expertise, experience, authority, and trustworthiness. In fact, as AI generated text becomes more prevalent, the two E’s (expertise and experience) are becoming more and more vital to create good, helpful content. All of which requires more than a machine.

From content generators to quality control, AI content creation can help take your content marketing strategy to the next level. As you do, remember: to generate quality content that actually enhances your business, you can’t use the first free AI solution you see. You need to use an AI content generator strategically as a way to enhance your existing human efforts.

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