Adwords Optimization - The Ultimate Guide

Date published: July 03, 2017
Last updated: July 3, 2017

If you’ve ever run a Google adwords campaign, you’ll think that it’s either the best form of advertising money can buy or it’s the biggest waste of money you’ve ever spent. Depending on who you speak to they will tell you that Adwords was either the single best or single worst thing they’ve implemented in their business.

The Key to Adwords Success

The thing is that both sides of the argument are right. When you create an adwords campaign using the correct procedures and optimize it accordingly, you will see instant results and a strong ROI. When you set it up without following the correct procedures or continuously optimizing the campaign, you can be sure that every penny you spend will be wasted.

The big mistake most people make

One thing that is consistently attributed to wasted adwords spend is using broad match keywords. Using Broad match keywords are like giving Google a license to empty your bank account. Some of the other ways you can waste money on your campaigns include:

  • Not using targeted landing pages
  • Not setting up call tracking for conversions
  • Forgetting to add negative keywords
  • Not optimizing your campaign on a regular basis

By consistently optimizing your campaign, you can continually get more out of your adwords campaign and better results. That’s why we wanted to share this Adwords Optimization infographic from SMBclix. It is jam packed with 50 techniques you can use to optimize your adwords campaign for better performance.

Some of our favourite tips from the Infographic:

  1. Add negative keywords – As mentioned above, adding negative keywords is key to your success. By adding search terms (that triggered your ad, but are not relevant to you) as negative keywords, you will continually increase the relevance of the traffic to your site.
  2. Find new keywords – The search terms report isn’t just something you use to find negative keywords. It’s also a place where you can mind for Gold! Find search terms that have converted and add them as keywords in your campaign to increase relevancy.
  3. SKAGs – Single Keyword AdGroups are a great way to increase the relevancy of the search terms to your ads, this will increase click through rate, which will in turn increase your quality score and lower your cost per click. It’s a no brainer strategy to get more conversions at a lower cost.

The infographic has so many actionable tips that you can use. There’s no point in me explaining them all, so without further ado, I give you 50 Adwords Optimization tips to increase your leads!

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