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10 Reasons Why SEO Is A Great Investment For Your E-Commerce Business!

Date published: July 05, 2018
Last updated: July 3, 2024

We have heard about the death of SEO, and we have seen several experts mourn the death too. In reality, search engine optimization is far from dead. It is absent in its older form. Right now, it is more efficient and more important than ever. Businesses with online faces have been realizing this more in the last few years since Google started delivering almost regular algorithm updates. Penguin, Panda, and Hummingbird were, of course, the bigger landmarks of SEO, but Google has been quietly updating its search engine algorithm at least twice per day without alerting business owners and website owners.

It is quite apparent that the death of SEO is nothing but a rumor and the smart e-commerce site owners already know how to leverage the changing trends to make their businesses profitable. Here are a few reasons you should consider investing in SEO as well –

It is not costly

Contrary to popular belief, SEO is not costly if done right. You can always go to a dedicated agency that deals with online marketing and search engine optimization, but owning a WordPress, Joomla or Drupal e-commerce store comes with its perks. These CMS platforms have extended compatibility with extensions and plug-ins that can enhance the search engine optimization of your site. Proper optimization ensures that your potential customers can find you on the first page of Google SERP. It is, of course, a smart investment for a future of better sales and higher profits.

It can bring you at par with the big guns

With increasing visibility, comes better organic traffic. Proper optimization of search engine friendly features of your website can help you compete with the better-known names of your niche. It can be incredibly difficult for new businesses to establish themselves in the presence of veteran names, but SEO can help level the competition.

Better and long-term benefits

Long-term benefits of SEO usually come with long-term goals. Search engine optimization is not ideal for people looking for a quick profit. All SEO plans need time to work. Some of the more elaborate ones often take three months or 4 months to take off. Using analytics tools will help you track the improvement in sales and reach, but long-term goals often bring more profit to the business.

Increases your visibility to target groups

SEO is not about ad campaigns and sponsored content. It is about reaching out to the right people at the right place and at the right time. It helps businesses connect with customers and find new markets across the globe. Ecommerce website SEO Baltimore can help your business grow and find its audience.

Aids in hyper-local result optimization

Another aspect of SEO is it can increase your brand visibility to a particular geographic location. For example – restaurants in NYC have their websites, and many of them work their SEO to reach out to their niche customers in the city. This helps new businesses cut down on unnecessary competition and make more sales thanks to increasing local visibility.

E-commerce is dependent on search engines more than ever

Over 80% of customers, who shop from the leading e-commerce stores, visit the websites directly from search engine results. Over the next couple of years, this number will increase, and your customers are more likely to look for your products and services online. There might be several other companies and businesses, which offer similar products. You do not want your products to drown under a flurry of competitor links when the new searches hit.

All your competitors are investing in SEO

We know, it sounds incredibly juvenile when you think "I must do it because my competitors are doing it," but then again, if your competitors are engaging in SEO, they are already investing for a more visible future. It is your turn to take a step towards a search engine friendly future for your business and make your brand more visible to your shared customer base.

It will increase your profit margin

Businesses that engage in search engine optimization, understandably experience better visibility. This will boost your CTR, organic traffic flow, reduce bounce rates and pump up your conversion rates. Since SEO does not cost much, keeping up a high-profit margin along with ongoing SEO efforts and campaigns is highly likely.

It will cut down your PPC and CPC costs

With a natural increase in your organic reach, you will not need to boost your PPC and CPC campaigns as much. Most of the businesses that invest in proper SEO efforts, often retire their sponsored content on social media. Especially since the data breach wreck on Facebook, several companies are shifting their focus from social media marketing altogether to SEO. There is a high chance that new data laws will impair the ongoing sponsored ad campaigns on several social networking sites and this is the best time to revisit your search engine optimization plans.

It is NOT going to die anytime soon

SEO was always here since the genesis of online shopping, and it will be here until the end of the internet. People are going to use the web services for searching their favorite restaurant, movie theatre locations, movie timings, instructional videos, furniture shops online, makeup tutorials, recipes and in fact everything else under the sun. Google has been the king of search and Google is going to dominate the search world for at least a couple more decades to come.

Search engine optimization has never been dead; it has never been dormant either. E-commerce sites are sharpening their SEO tools for a new onslaught algorithm updates from Google very soon. It is all about staying in touch with these updates, the search trends and the SEO trends to keep your website active, visible and populated. This is one multi-faceted strategy that works for every business, every website type, every CMS and every budget. These ten reasons are only the beginning. Nonetheless, they make great reasons for your e-commerce platform to embrace the trends of the new-world SEO right now!

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