9 Practical Tips to Craft the Perfect Guest Blog Post Pitch

Date published: August 06, 2019
Last updated: August 6, 2019

Guest blogging is increasingly popular, and there are good reasons for this. Getting your blog post featured on a popular site will provide you substantial exposure and increased traffic to your website. You may also improve domain authority, bolster your overall reputation, and enjoy numerous other benefits. However, before you can benefit from a coveted guest spot on a popular blog, you must successfully pitch your idea. With others also vying for the attention of blog managers, this is easier said than done. These tips can help your pitch to gain the positive attention necessary for success.

1. Make a Connection

Blog managers may be bombarded by guest blog pitches regularly, so it’s often easier for them to tune out. How can you get the manager to perk up and be interested in what you have to say? Prepare an excellent, personalized introduction to your pitch. Do your research so that you can tailor your submission specifically to appeal to your audience and the blog standards.

2. Highlight the Mutual Benefits

It takes time, skill, and effort to build a successful blog with loyal followers. A blog manager typically focuses intently on creating content that offers real value to the readers. The purpose of the blog may be to entertain, to educate, or to help the readers in some way. It is not to provide others with an outlet to showcase their creative writing talents. Your pitch should clearly and quickly identify the value that your post will bring to the blog's readers.

3. Get Familiar with the Blog

You could canvas the Internet to quickly pitch your idea to numerous blog managers with the hope that something sticks. However, a focused approach often yields a better outcome. Take time to familiarize yourself with the blog. Guest post guidelines may not be published, but this does not mean that there aren’t established standards. Read through numerous posts to identify the preferred type of content and writing style. As you do so, consider bouncing off existing blog posts. For example, you can pitch a follow-up post that takes a new angle or that branches off in-depth on an area that another post touched briefly.

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4. Focus on Your Subject Line

After spending so much time and effort researching your blog post idea and creating the perfect pitch, you don’t want to ruin it with a generic subject line. Rather than using a boring subject line like, “Guest Blog Post Request,” be creative and exciting. As is the case with everyone else, blog managers are more likely to open and pay attention to emails that have an intriguing subject line.

5. Be Short, Sweet and Patient

It is easy to assume that blog managers are sitting by their computers waiting for the perfect pitch. They are busy individuals who do more than respond to guest blog post requests. Respect the manager’s time by making your pitch concise and allow them an adequate amount of time to review and respond. Given the fact that the blog’s editorial calendar may be determined weeks in advance, understand that your guest blog post may not be published immediately.

6. Strive for Perfection

Quality guest posts, as well as pitches, are free of errors. It can be difficult for the reader to focus on what you are saying when you riddle your piece with grammatical and spelling errors. Carefully edit your submission at least twice before sending it. To be even more thorough, have a friend edit it for you.

7. Offer Alternatives

Through your research, you may be aware that the blog currently doesn’t have content that covers a specific topic, but there’s always a chance the idea isn't already in the works. Rather than potentially placing all your eggs in one proverbial basket, offer a few creative alternative topics that may catch the blog manager’s attention.

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8. Let the Details Shine Through

Your pitch doesn’t need to be excessively elaborate or wordy to get recognized. It should be loaded with details and delivered with concision. After your personalized yet brief introduction, explain how your idea would add value to the blog’s audience. Include a few title options with a shortlist of blog post ideas. End the pitch with key takeaways.

9. Remember the Visuals

Fascinating or supportive visuals enhance interesting blog posts. The blog manager wants to see content that is easy to digest and  may be shared with others; visuals play a vital role in these areas. More than that, visuals help the pitch stand out and compel the manager to pay attention.

While you understandably have specific goals in mind for publishing a guest blog post on a successful site, many others share your goals. Each of these goals helps your pitch stand apart in critical ways. Taking the time to incorporate them in future pitches may help you to get the attention that you deserve.

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