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8 Proven Off-Page SEO Techniques That Can Impact Your Rankings

Date published: January 18, 2019
Last updated: January 18, 2019

Search engine optimization involves a lot of activities. While a lot of SEO initiatives are local to the site itself, there are also numerous efforts that should be taken off-page. These essential off-page SEO techniques should not be taken lightly as they have a significant impact on your rankings.

This guide will help you understand off-page search engine optimization, and what kind of actions you can take that can help boost your rankings this year.

What is off-page SEO?

Search engine optimization can generally be divided into two categories: on-page or off. As the name suggests, onsite SEO refers to those initiatives within your website. This means working on your site’s design, improving your site’s performance, writing optimized content, absolutely every SEO effort that you do within the confines of your website.

Meanwhile, off-page SEO refers to all those efforts that are done outside of your website.

The following are eight proven off-page SEO techniques, which, when done right, can affect your rankings:

1. Link buildings still play a big role

[bctt tweet="One of the best off-page search engine optimization strategies is building backlinks." username="relevance"]

Backlinks are externals links that lead to your site, which means that other websites are trying to link to yours. Earning backlinks implies that there is something significant in your site, and in your content, and these sites acknowledge that.

There are generally three kinds of links:

  1. Natural Links – links that your site earns solely on the prerogative of the website owner.
  2. Manually-built links – links that your site earns by through link-building activities such as working with influencers and by asking for your customers to link to your site.
  3. Self-created links – the practice of creating backlinks to your site in forums, by commenting in blogs, or through other media. This tactic is prone to crossing over to black hat SEO tactics that might endanger your rankings, so it’s best to be careful in doing this.

2. A good personalized guest post

Guest posting is a strategy that involves writing for somebody else’s website or blog, and including a backlink to your site within. This strategy works by partnering with someone who commands a decent amount of followership, and this should be people who would be interested in what you have to say.

3. Broken Link Acquisition

Another opportunity for you to take advantage of is finding broken links and asking that site to link to your page instead. Sites with broken links will need replacement links as doing otherwise will lead to penalties. And if the site owner is keener on linking externally instead of creating fresh content, it will be easy for you to convince these site owners to link to your content instead. So do your best in discovering broken links and maximize the opportunity to build links to your site.

4. Engage in social media marketing

Social media marketing is an excellent off-page SEO strategy. Aside from being able to transform your followers into site traffic, this also helps build your online presence.

You will also be able to maximize the multiple marketing strategies that you can launch on social media, together with all the benefits that go along with it such as being easily shareable and engaging. Furthermore, you can also make use of paid advertisements that allows you to target more specific types of users that can correspond to your target market.

5. Do your competitor research

One of the tactics that a lot of businesses fail to do well is to maximize on competitor intelligence. This year, a challenge for you is to be able to better understand the competition by analyzing their SEO strategies.

One of the aspects that you should look into is which pages they do backlinks with. Check whether it would also be possible for these pages to work with you as they would are likely to respond positively.

There are also a number of tools available online that can help you do various competitor analysis such as Ahrefs and SEMrush. Check these tools out for all the multiple functions that you can get from them.

6. Forum Posting

One of the possible areas for you to post content that will allow you to create links to your page is on related forums.

Examples include Reddit, Quora, eHows, or industry-related forums that you may be able to tap.

By being active on these forums, you will also be able to build a robust online presence, that can help work on your authority. This will help you earn a lot of followers who can then directly follow your site.

7. Create your business social media and directory profiles

One of the strategies that you should not take for granted is working on your local presence. It will help your business if you execute efforts on local search engine optimization. This includes setting up your business’ social media, as well as building your profile on directories such as Google My Business. By doing so, you will be able to work on your local SEO, as well as have opportunities to create backlinks to your site. So work on your local SEO today through social media and online directories.

8. Monitor and measure your off-page SEO techniques

Finally, make it a practice to track your off-page initiatives for you to monitor how these techniques are affecting your business, and for you to assess whether you are making worthwhile activities. Again there are many tools available to help you do that such as Ahrefs and SEMrush which can measure your standing concerning backlinks. Make the most out of these tools and see how you can do all these off-page SEO strategies even better.

Work on your Off-page SEO and see the difference today

Off-page search engine optimization is a necessary part of your total search engine optimization campaign. You should be able to perform off-page SEO for you to improve your online presence holistically, and to make better your page’s ranking in search results. These tips can help you make the most out of off-page SEO so do your best to do start today and see what difference these tips can bring about.

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