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7 Must-Have Features Of Social Media Marketing Software

Date published: April 06, 2020
Last updated: April 6, 2020

A recent study from TechnologyAdvice reveals that around 52 percent of the adult population has one or more than one social media accounts. Social media is getting a lot of engagement from people of all age groups, and if you have not yet leveraged the power to grow your business, then you are lagging behind 2-3 years.

But then still all is not lost. You can easily use the enormous power of social media using a simple social media marketing software that has all the essential features and, plus fits your budget. Here is a list of features that you should be looking for in your social media tool.

1. Centralized Analytics

Once you get started with the marketing campaigns, it is essential to keep track of insights gained from that. As your campaigns reach more users and collect more shares, you need to monitor all those. Metrics such as comments, likes, shares, retweets, and other such things need to be tracked and collected so that you can make decisions based on the changing trends.

Major platforms such as LinkedIn, YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter have built-in analytics panel. The panel tracks all your posts on the platforms and provides you with valuable data that you can use to improve your future marketing campaigns.

2. Scheduling

Your company may have multiple social media accounts, and it takes a lot of your valuable time to post on each platform separately. Instead, the social media marketing tool provides you with a feature that displays on all your different profiles at once. So the tool does all your repetitive and mundane tasks for you. In addition to auto-scheduling, tools like Buffer also allows you to add tags to your posts to provide context to the conversations. You can experiment with various time schedules to see which one suits best for your audience.

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3. Engagement

Social media is a big engagement platform. In order to build a trustworthy and loyal customer base, just posting is not enough; you also need to reply to comments and address the user’s queries.

Most social media tools today offer you to streamline everything for easier management. You can see the likes, share, comments and all for your Facebook account, and also the retweets and mentions on your Twitter account. And in case if you have some new ideas about a product you can reach your audience and ask for their feedback.

4. Seamless Collaboration

Every social media tool should have a centralized dashboard that offers secure collaboration. In an organization, every team member should have a streamlined process to report back their assigned tasks. A great feature such as live activity tracker allows you to see when a fellow team member is responding to your message in real-time.

This feature proves to be very valuable when you are working with your colleagues from different departments. Having a centralized place to report to and communicate with other team members provides a transparent working environment.

5. Smart Reporting

Your social media marketing software must be equipped with an automated reporting tool that can save you time. There are a lot of options available out there that provide you with tailor-made templates that you can customize and use as per your requirement. You just need to set it up once and forget it until you need a new template next time. It makes it easy to work on multiple reports that highlight different aspects if you have built-in templates available in your social media marketing software.

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6. Location Search Services

Geo-targeting of your social media posts is essential for business. Your social media marketing software should be able to help you determine the following things:

  • When to post to get maximum engagement
  • How to find new customers in the targeted location
  • What local factors you should consider while engaging with your customer

Most of the marketing tools available today have the ability to sort profiles, posts, and messages based on the location. You can also find other profiles that are present in your region and engage with them directly. To build new relationships, it is better to start with nearby profiles, so that will give them a sense of trust, and you can get a new loyal customer.

7. Security

When you are working with multiple people across different social media accounts, it is better to make sure that they all have appropriate permissions. Every team member must be provided with a unique ID so that when anyone posts any unapproved post, then they can be held accountable for that.

Security features must be up to the point so that you can protect yourself from any suspicious activity happening on their social media platforms.

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