7 Boring SEO Tasks That Can Be Automated To Save You Time

Date published: September 09, 2020
Last updated: September 9, 2020

SEO is the backbone of digital marketing and involves a series of steps that must be done with a great degree of perfection to achieve the desired results. While the overall SEO campaign is a highly creative and exciting process, some elements can be so boring that they can make team members balk. The fact that SEO professionals have to deal with these cumbersome tasks day in and day out further intensifies the element of boredom.

There are numerous ways of knowing what elements of SEO are vital for driving your digital marketing campaigns to success. The same methods can be used to identify the less-exciting and inarguably boring SEO chores and find a way of dealing with them.  There are many online tools available that can be used to perform these tedious activities:

1. SEO Analysis Automation: (Estimated Time Savings - 2 Hours)

SEO analysis is an utterly complex task that can prove to be extremely challenging, especially for those who are taking the first steps in the world of SEO. The boring task can be better handled by using one of the many tools designed for the same.

SEO analysis involves carrying out an in-depth analysis of a website or a webpage on several key performance parameters.

One of the most favored SEO analysis tools is SEMrush. It is designed to quickly detect on-page SEO issues and also offers top recommendations and solutions. Users can even analyze the optimization effects of their content for specific keywords and key phrases.

2. Keyword and Backlink Monitoring - (Estimated Time Saving - 30 minutes)


Keyword monitoring and keeping track of the backlinks of website figures are among the most monotonous tasks associated with SEO. You might have to spend a lot of your valuable time doing these boring tasks which might seem to be inane but are nevertheless a crucial component of the whole SEO strategy. However, you can manage it better with tools designed for the purpose.

SEMrush is a highly recommended SEO automation tool that can spare you several hours of tedious monitoring activities. The tool comes with a comprehensive and user-friendly dashboard that can collect and collate information in a systematic manner. You can access all the data you need from one convenient place. The dashboard collects and presents all the vital data you need for monitoring backlinks, keyword rankings, and activities related to your brand on the social channels.

3. YouTube SEO Optimization (Estimated Time Saving - 60 minutes)

If your entire focus is on improving critical business metrics such as website management and content, and if you are suddenly burdened with the additional task of YouTube SEO optimization, it can extremely frustrating. Don’t fret and worry about the problem. You can tackle it smoothly with TubeBuddy. It is an automation tool designed to deal precisely with such boring SEO tasks.

TubeBuddy is a chrome extension that can be downloaded to optimize as well as promote all the videos posted on your YouTube channel. The tool scouts through files to find topics that are trending and performing well. The input can be used for creating titles and tags that can get immediate attention from users and help you boost your search engine rankings.

You can also use TubeBuddy for A/B testing. The results can be applied to test your content and make appropriate changes for maximizing clicks on your YouTube videos.

4. Competitor Analysis Automation (Estimated Time Saving - 60 minutes)

It is not easy to carry out competitor analysis but you have to do it anyway to keep track of what your nearest competitors are up to and create appropriate responses to neutralize any advantages that they might be enjoying at your cost.

Some of the areas that need extra attention are link-building and lead generation. These are the tasks that are vital for the success of your marketing campaigns.

However, the sheer tediousness of these tasks can create a sense of complacency. There is no need to get disheartened though. You can carry out competitor analysis in a smarter and more efficient manner without losing focus on the more critical tasks on hand.

Competitor Analysis from SEMrush is one of the best tools available for the task. It helps create detailed reports that can be used for analyzing critical details such as traffic data. Competitor Analysis can be used for obtaining traffic data from any industry regardless of its location. It also allows you to get a clear idea of the most important marketing strategies of your competitors.

Besides this, you can also get information about their traffic sources, targeted audience, and lead generation sources as well.

5. Social Sharing Automation - (Estimated Time Saving - 60 minutes)

The brilliant piece of content you have created will gain in value only if it reaches the targeted audience and creates the right buzz on social channels. That’s why social sharing is a key element of digital marketing. But it can take a lot of your time if you have to work on making the content go live on the channels that matter to you the most – one piece at a time.

The best solution to this problem? Research and pick the best social media scheduling tool for automating social sharing. Buffer is a reputed brand in this regard.

This popular social media automation platform is being increasingly used by marketers to schedule posts automatically across various social media networks. It has a fantastic and highly useful ‘Posting Schedule’ feature. It allows you to share content at the time when your audience is most likely to access and read them and that too on a consistent basis.

You don’t have to keep flipping between tasks to post your content on social channels or wait for the appropriate time. Buffer does it like a boss!

6. ‘Relevant Term’ Search Automation - (Estimated Time Saving - 30 minutes)

Your SEO efforts will be successful only if you write for the user. Many marketers do the terrible mistake of writing for the search engines which is certainly not recommended. If the content is valuable, the search engines will rank it is the simple mantra of SEO success.

The best way of connecting with readers is through engaging content and to create such content you must know the relevant terms that resonate with your readers. These terms help your content stand apart and can create the attention your brand needs for making an impact. You must also make sure that Google identifies these terms as relevant to your content. This will assure a good ranking on search engines.

However, finding the relevant terms is a time-consuming task and can stress your team out. It may take several hours of hard work which can affect other tasks that are of a more critical nature. The best way of dealing with the problem is to use tools to find those relevant terms.

There are many such tools available and the one that’s extremely popular among marketers is SEMrush. It is designed to help you find the most relevant terms for specific topics. The process involves using a program to see a list of related terms by entering a keyword you want to use for your content.

The list can also be sorted out on the basis of the volume of search, long-tail keywords, and the value of those keywords.

7. Looking for Backlink Opportunities (Estimated Time Saving - 120 minutes)

Choosing backlinks can be a tough task as it not only involves searching for such opportunities but also requires making a decision on accepting a specific backlink or not. There are many aspects involved in choosing backlinks for your website.

The most important thing is to know who owns and site and is involved in its running and management. The owner is the deciding authority on choosing to link back or denying the request. A lot of time needs to be invested in backlink prospects which can affect other areas of your website management process.

Searching for the right backlinks can be an extremely tedious and time-consuming task. You have to find the details of the website owner, begin communication through email, and hope for a favorable response. The worst part is that all that time spent can yield zilch results if you don’t get the desired response. That’s why marketers rely on automating the backlink search process.

One of the hot favorite tools for searching for backlink opportunities is SEMrush. It is a popular tool for finding backlink prospects. It works in an amazingly simple way too.

In Conclusion

The list of tools we have provided here is a well-researched one but it must be noted that these tools must be used smartly with your other SEO strategies to drive up website visibility and ranking. These tools can save you loads of time per week that can be used to focus more sharply on the other critical and creative areas of your SEO. Why don’t you try them out? Share your experiences with us on how much time was saved and how it made a difference to your optimization outcome.

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