6 Ways to Boost Engagement on Landing Pages

Date published: December 05, 2014
Last updated: December 5, 2014

Your landing page is the gateway through which you can capture information about your visitors and get them to convert on a certain offer. Since the signature characteristic of a landing page is a form, your goal for your landing page should be to increase engagement with that page so that you get more forms filled out and thus, more conversions.

Here are six easy ways to achieve better engagement on your landing pages:

  1. Fill out your blog’s content calendar so that posts relate back to your landing page. Once you know that you’re coming out with an offer, plan your blog content so that one or more blog posts per week covers a subject that is relevant to the offer. Your audience is more likely to click on a link to your landing page if they know it’s related to the blog post they’ve been reading and enjoying.
  2. Go back through old blog posts and link to your landing page. Your blog probably has some “evergreen content”- posts that include timeless information- so go back through your archives and add a link to your landing page in relevant posts. Then, use social media to re-promote these posts for an extra spike in page views. This can also help google find tidbits on your site that may not have the exposure you are looking for by interlinking.
  3. Optimize your landing page through testing. While plenty of research exists about best practices for landing pages (Put the form above the fold or under? More fields to fill out or less?) the best way to find out what works for your company is through good, old-fashioned A/B testing. Other options you might want to test include the color of your button, your call-to-action and which fields on your form you make optional versus mandatory.
  4. Film an explainer video. Explainer videos can easily be filmed on a budget, and they’re a great way to show off your company’s personality. Grab a few co-workers, write a script and have fun showing off your company’s product or service. With a little practice and know-how it can look really great and help get your message out in a new medium.
  5. Include social sharing buttons. This tip is especially helpful if your landing page has creative content, such as an explainer video. With social sharing buttons, your viewers can easily share your content with their network. Making it easy for people to help spread the word is important. The lower the barrier to share, the more likely they will click and pass it along.
  6. Keep it simple. Above all else, your landing page should be simple for your users to navigate. Your landing page should be streamlined and clear of clutter, making it easy for your audience to skim and immediately know what makes your product or service so awesome. Enlist bullet points and headings to strategically breakup your content.

With a clear, concise and engaging landing page, you can increase your conversions and better promote your company’s product or service. Don't be afraid to experiment and try new things, but always A/B test so you know where incremental improvements came from. Make sure the content serves a real need, but keep it as simple as possible. And don't forget to include social buttons so your audience can help share your remarkable content with their own audiences.

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