6 Strategies for Designing an Effective Mobile Ad

Date published: May 20, 2016
Last updated: May 20, 2016

The mobile advertising market has grown significantly over the past few years, and we expect even more rapid development in the future. These days, you can make purchases, check the status of your bank accounts, publish posts on social networks, play video games, and even watch live video translations of sports events using your smartphone. And, of course, almost any of your activity is accompanied by a display of a small advertising banner on the screen of the mobile phone.

Since mobile ads have long become an important marketing tool, the adaptation of the landing page/website/advertising material to mobile devices is an integral part of modern search engine marketing.

About three-fourths of mobile phone owners use their gadgets to search for products in the global network, and about half of them make purchases via their mobiles. Therefore, being a business owner, you can’t ignore mobile advertising. And the key question is how to make it attractive, profitable, and stand out from competitors.

In this paper, I’ll give you some tips collected at DesignContest on how to design an effective mobile advertising page.

Put CTA Elements at the Top of the Mobile Version of the Landing Page

I can safely say that CTAs are bread and butter for any marketer who uses advertising traffic. CTA elements are the main part of any landing page, and mobile pages are no exception.

CTAs should be placed in the upper part of the display of any mobile device since it’s the area on which the potential buyer directs his vision. Good CTAs tell visitors what to do next, and acts as a catalyst for the conversion process.

One of the simplest methods to build a CTA is to use text messages like "Call Us" or "Subscribe." Although they may seem too simple and straightforward, such CTAs are quite effective.

Create the Simplest Navigation System

A sophisticated navigation system can lead visitors to confusion and frustration. As a result, the lion's share of your potential buyers may leave the page or find such ads too obsessive. Ideally, you need to opt out of navigation on mobile advertising pages. As an acceptable compromise, you can use a small vertical menu of a few points – this menu along with the search panel will be enough to satisfy the needs of most of your visitors.

Clickable and Convenient CTAs

When it comes to CTA buttons on a mobile page, size matters. Alas, but most mobile users can’t click accurately on the small buttons. They use fingers, not a pointer! Yes, large and clumsy fingers☺. Provide your advertising page with CTAs of a reasonable size to make them easy to use without the need to scale the page.

Avoid Heavy Pages with Slow Loading Speed

Please speed up page loading time by all means. There is an unwritten rule for the mobile web page: it must be downloaded in less than 5 seconds. Otherwise, you risk causing panic and refusal to purchase.

Avoid Using Flash and Other Incompatible Technologies

Flash and frames are forbidden. At least, use HTML5 or Jquery library for creating a beautiful interactive webpage – these technologies are compatible with modern mobile browsers and do not require visitors to download any extra plug-ins.

Avoid Unnecessary Information

There is a fine line between excessive and insufficient information. Lack of information can lead the user to misunderstand while too detailed information may not fit on a mobile screen. Don’t forget about the important restriction, imposed on you by physical size and resolution of the display of mobile devices.

Think through the required minimum of information from the user’s point of view:

  • Create a clever and concise CTA.
  • Reduce the amount of text and offers to a reasonable minimum.
  • Highlight the most important characteristics of your products/services with color and size.
  • Remember that the usual web version and the mobile version of your page should not be the same.

It is very important to develop a common concept of visual communication of the brand which aims to create exact associations. Do not advertise by only demonstrating the products – show clearly the positive emotions these products cause.


As the novelty factor of mobile advertising will lose its power over time, mobile ads must be creative. Soon, you’ll be able to increase its effectiveness only by innovative approaches to its creation. At the same time, taking into account the size and other characteristics of mobile devices, you have to avoid over-saturation with text, logos, and any other elements of advertising. Ads done in moderate colors show the best performance in terms of CTR. Ideally, use only two or three colors and an image.

Use a full-screen advertisement that could be closed anytime to reduce irritability of visitors. Attractive design will impact users and increase interactivity. Regular use of social networking buttons helps to increase the effectiveness of mobile advertising, increasing its CTR and number of transitions.

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