6 Reasons Why You Need a Growth Marketing Agency 

Date published: April 26, 2022
Last updated: April 26, 2022

 You offer excellent products and services. You’re respected in your industry. You routinely receive bouquets and cupcake plates to thank you for your great work. (And if you don’t receive cupcake plates, well, you certainly should.) As far as you can tell, business is going great.

Yet there’s a problem. You don’t seem to be growing at the rate you’d expect. Your ad campaigns do well and bring in business, but as soon as you toggle them off, the results crash. It’s a rollercoaster … and not the kind where you scream a few times and then get a churro.

There is a solution, of course, which is to bring a growth marketing agency on board. Many companies hesitate at the commitment, though, persisting in the belief that they can DIY a solution. Unless you are a marketing company yourself, though, you likely don’t have the necessary skills.

Overall, the need for a growth marketing agency is simple: to help your brand grow consistently over time. Thoroughly analyzed and data-based decisions will maintain every iota of momentum you build. At the same time, you can let go of busted strategies and poorly performing offerings much more quickly.

But there are many other benefits an agency can offer as well. In this article, we'll hit you with six great reasons why you need a firm to help you strategize today.

1. Get More Ideas to the Table

One of the best things about an agency growth strategy is that it might look nothing like yours. Even if you have an awesome on-staff marketing team, they likely won’t take the same approaches an agency does.

This is hugely beneficial because you have many more ideas to work with. Plus, a marketing firm can help you execute your own ideas more quickly and more efficiently. Then they can cull through every approach, using data, and keep only the ones that work best.

2. Keep Up With All the Trends

Another benefit of a professional agency growth strategy is that you can stay on top of trends. If you work in a field outside marketing, it’s basically impossible to keep up with every new change.

From SEO to content marketing, social media to LinkedIn networking, best practices change from day to day. An external aspect to your marketing team will relieve you of the pressure to stay on top of all of this. You can just do your own job, and trust them to do theirs.

3. Regularly Move the Needle

One of the most important aspects of a growth marketing company is the growth part.

Traditional marketing focuses on one campaign at a time. Perhaps a campaign does really well; perhaps five in a row do! But when they’re over, they’re over – and many companies are back where they started. Imagine a graph, with the peaks and valleys always landing in the same place on the y-axis.

With growth marketing, the goal is to move the needle every single day. Sure, campaigns will still give you bumps that fade over time. But because a growth marketing agency focuses so heavily on data, they are always tweaking.

This is true even when you’re not running a big campaign. That means over time, those peaks and valleys both move up the y-axis, and you see that classic growth curve.

4. Gain Access to Professional Services

A good digital growth agency will offer more than a single service. Need help creating blog content? Check. Need help getting mentioned in online publications? Double-check. But they can also pull in partners and other resources for anything outside of their personal scope. We all know teamwork makes the dream work, right?

Keep in mind the importance of A/B testing, which helps you compare results and choose the ones your audience responds to best. With every iteration, you get closer to what those audience members want. This increases your productivity and your results. It also ensures that the money you spend on marketing actually goes somewhere. Somewhere other than The Void, that is. Nobody likes The Void.

5. Strategically Allocate Budget

Any digital growth agency worth its salt will be constantly checking to see what is working and what isn’t. From there, they should be allocating your budget towards the pieces of your strategy that need the most attention to achieve your goals. 

This stretches your marketing budget so much farther than the “Throw Everything at the Wall and See What Sticks on This Particular Tuesday” approach. Just as a data-driven marketing agency will continue to tweak your campaigns, they should tweak the services they offer.

Over time, your marketing dollars are guaranteed to pay themselves back. Usually, once you’ve had a strategy in place for months or years, you’ll see the ROI you’re craving. Oftentimes, it is much more.

6. Benefit from a Bird’s-Eye View of Results

Marketing agencies can also offer you a top-down view.

Maybe your ad campaigns do well, but your social media presence is lukewarm at best. (At worst, it looks like Uncle Denny took a few pictures on lunch break at the shipyard and put them on your company's Instagram. Let’s not lie. This happens.)

A growth marketing agency will take a look at every aspect of your strategy, and they will be honest. If you need a social media strategy as well as a Google Ads campaign and fantastic content, they’ll tell you. Oftentimes even if they aren’t in charge of every aspect, they can provide guidance and ideas for most marketing tactics.

Get Started With Growth Marketing

Growth marketing, in a nutshell, returns your investment manyfold. You get more ideas to the table and stay on top of trends, resulting in daily improvement. You will have access to tons of services – but you don’t need to use them all. And you get a bird’s-eye view of everything you’re doing.

Ready to see that ROI today? The sooner you get a growth marketing company’s help, the better. 

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