5 Ways to Increase Website Conversions

Date published: December 20, 2023
Last updated: March 7, 2024

Marketers love conversions. These are the moments when a consumer takes a desired action, whether that’s clicking on an ad, requesting a demo, or making a purchase.

Your website conversion rate is a critical metric for success. A good conversion rate can help you boost search engine optimization, learn about the customer journey, increase revenue, and more.

However, simply seeing your conversion stats isn’t enough. You need to have the skills, strategies, and tools to increase conversions, too. Here are a few tips to help you increase your website conversion rate on your website.

1. Define Your Website Goals

Before you invest a penny in any of the other suggestions on this list, start by considering what you’re trying to accomplish with your website conversions in the first place. Defining goals is important in any area of business.

A clear conversion goal is where everything starts. They give you an endpoint to aim for as you make conversion-related decisions.

If you already have goals, make sure they’re up to date. If you don’t have goals yet, invest in creating clear, well-defined benchmarks to aim for on your website. This could be anything from email sign-ups to requesting a service.

As you update or create goals, consider your company’s mission and vision. Conduct competitor analysis. Evaluate current customer wants and needs. As you gather information, use this to inform your goals.

2. Improve Both the Quality and Quantity of Your Traffic

One way to improve your conversions is through more traffic. If you’re converting 5% of site visitors and you double your traffic from 1,000 website visitors to 2,000 website visitors, your conversion rate may not increase, but the number of conversions will double all the same.

This will naturally increase your website conversion rate. As you create landing pages, blog content, and sales descriptions for your site, get a rock-solid SEO strategy in place to optimize everything for maximum traffic.

Having a visitor on your website is one thing. Attracting a potential customer is another. That’s why, along with improving your overall quantity of traffic, you also want to consider conversion rate optimization or CRO.

A focus on CRO, or conversion rate optimization, will help you encourage more users to complete your desired action, meaning more conversions and more revenue for you. Sometimes it's as small as changing the color of a button or moving your value propositions higher on the page.

Again, SEO is critical here. Consider what keywords you’re ranking for in relation to your target audience. At the same time, write for the reader first and search engines second. This will ensure that you’re attracting high-quality traffic.

3. Be Strategic With Your Content

Content “in bulk” is never a good digital marketing strategy — especially in a world where Google’s E-E-A-T (experience, expertise, authority, and trustworthiness) guidelines are looking for real answers to search queries.

The increasing sophistication of AI-powered search engines means you can’t pump out 101-level content and call it a day. If you want your content to convert, you need to create it thoughtfully.

As you come up with content schedules and brainstorm ideas, consider what topics and themes you want to identify your brand that best align with the customer experience. What areas of industry authority do you want to corner? What copy best practices can you put in place to ensure you stay consistent?

As you clarify your brand focus, consider what customer questions and needs you can answer. How can a blog post offer genuine, on-theme topical value to website visitors through your content? When you build your content strategy with that in mind, you’re more likely to meet potential customer intent, improve user experience, boost your Google rankings, and increase your websites conversion rate in the process.

4. Gauge What Is Working — and Then Improve What Isn’t

As you look for ways to increase traffic, improve the quality of your site visitors, and clean up your content, you need to gauge if those efforts are working. This is where tracking your conversion metrics comes into play. Even if they are yielding results, are those results good enough? Can you optimize things further?

If you want to improve your CRO, you need to test what is and isn’t working on your site. This starts by assessing your CTAs. Where are you asking a visitor to take action?

As you analyze each CTA, look for those that are underperforming. When a CTA isn’t resonating with consumers, create value propositions to encourage them to take action.

For instance, if no one is signing up for a newsletter, provide a free whitepaper or a useful template as an incentive to sign up. Adding social proof from satisfied customers near a CTA is another great option.

5. Nurture More Conversion Opportunities

Once you’ve considered your traffic, analyzed your existing content, and optimized your CTAs, it’s time to look for new ways to increase conversions. You may think you already have all of your bases covered, but there are always new ways you nurture conversion opportunities.

For example, you might add gated content that encourages a conversion to access something of value. In the above example, providing whitepaper access via an email sign-up allows you to nurture a steady flow of leads in an email drip campaign.

Exit intent pop-ups (which appear when someone leaves a page) can also help prompt action. Building social media communities that can direct additional traffic to your site. A live chat function can provide instant support that encourages conversions.

Again, the opportunities are endless. When you've completed your conversion optimization, consider how you can expand on that foundation in new ways.

Investing in Increased Conversions

Conversions are a critical part of business success. They are proof that consumers are buying into your brand and are willing to take action to support your company and utilize its solutions.

If your conversions are lagging — or even worse, you don’t know what they are in the first place — use the steps above to clean things up. Set a conversion goal, improve traffic quantity and quality, create a solid content strategy, gauge what’s working, and make improvements. And don’t be afraid to ask for some help. A growth marketing agency can give you the inside scoop and always be on the lookout for new conversion opportunities along the way.

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