5 Unique Ways to Use Your Business Blog to Generate More Revenue

Date published: August 18, 2016
Last updated: August 18, 2016

If you have been looking to gain more loyal customers as a part of your content marketing strategy, you might have considered setting up a business blog that will eventually help you to generate more revenue. Growth is always the first goal of any business, and finding new ways to generate revenue is a good first step.

Just like getting everyone to know your brand has its own obstacles and maintenance, turning your blog into a revenue-generating machine is a bit tough until you know the exact tips to follow. According to Quicksprout, 77% of internet users read blogs, and 57% of companies with a blog acquired a customer from the same. Simply put, if you blog more, you get more customers. Below are five hacks to turn your business blog into a revenue-generating machine:

1. Blog According to User Persona, Build Networking and Increase Subscribers

A persona is a fictional sketch of a person who will be reading your blog. A persona gives clarity, power, and passion to your writing.



You have to be aware of your target audience, their interests, and a reason why they should read your blog. For example, if your user is a dog lover, you should have an idea about your readers’ favorite breeds and what tips they expect for caring for these specific breeds.

Once you have your topic and choose a persona, it will help you in building a network and increase your subscribers. CTA buttons should be highlighted in each blog so that it becomes easier for your visitors to subscribe to your website.

2. Convert Your Blog into a Platform for Effective Communication

To have effective communication with your subscribers, select topics that hold their interests. For example, choose topics by holding online surveys, questionnaires or taking inventory of trending topics via social tags. The more you blog about your company by encouraging your employees to blog, the more subscribers you will have.

Be consistent on your blog and keep it conversational as if you are having a one-to-one conversation with your customer. Keep your audience well-informed and updated about the developments in your company.

3. Focus on Long Tail Keywords, Improve SEO and Generate Massive Traffic

Once you are well aware of the business, focusing on long tail keywords becomes easier. Long tail keywords are more specific keywords that have lesser competition and easier to rank for, bringing in more traffic and converting visitors to customers.

View keywords as a collection of curiosities, passions, dreams, and desires of your target audience. For example, a dog lover may search for – best food for my Saint Bernard, instead of best food for my dog. In short, the user searches for exact needs. You should publish relevant content and update it too. While creating your content, focus on its effectiveness and efficiency.

Improving User Experience: More and more users are consuming content on mobile devices. If your business is not optimized for mobile, it will affect user experience and conversion. Mobile optimization tools like Mobile Emulator would help your website to be visible on mobile.

The length of images could be reduced via tools like Spaces for faster loading times. Use of images, videos, slideshows and audios, and necessary CTAs help enrich the user experience and deliver information in a way, most suited to the site’s visitors.


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4. Leverage Email Marketing and Webinars to Turn Your Blog Into a Lead Generating Platform

A well laid out blog keeps readers interested and coming back for more. Hopefully, they will be curious enough to look at the rest of the site.

Email Marketing: First, keep in mind the risk of being flagged as a spammer. Maintain 50 characters for the subject. Ideas for subject lines are: Tips – How to… or News… Tell the recipient something they would like to know about, or ask a yes or no question, encouraging them to open and read your email.

Second, perfect your message copy. Always keep the recipients in your mind and create tailor made content for them. Keep your message interesting and engaging. Use the acronym AIDA:

  • Attention – Get them to open the mail
  • Interest – Introduce well. Give them something interesting to read
  • Desire – Build motivation in the body of the mail
  • Action – Drive the reader to click on your mail and then the reply button

Webinars: You can write a blog post about an upcoming webinar. A webinar could be created with an event on Facebook. A direct link should be shared with interested attendees. An embedded video could be added to a post or page on your website. Invite high profile guest speakers to host a webinar with you, creating a more compelling offer for people to sign up.

5. Create a Blog Calendar and Improve CTA

Blog Calendar: Provide a calendar of all the upcoming events that are easily accessible within the internal resource centers, which your sales teams already have an access to. Create a pre-populated email template your sales team can leverage to invite their prospects with one click.

Creating a Blog Calendar saves you time, measures the most effective content you’re posting, and assists you with creating similar content.

Every publishing schedule must have active social media channels, date and time, update copy, character count, link, notes, photos, and tags.

Calls-to-Action: CTAs do not have to be buttons. Have a look at the below image.



One type call to action that is not used a lot is the exit CTA. It detects that someone is about to leave the website, and shows them an offer to grab their attention. A great way to make your call to action stand out is to place nothing around them, focusing all the attention towards a single goal.

You should measure how successful your blog is and whether your efforts are paying off. Start by looking at site traffic, to see if it is tickling the interest of the audience. As time goes by, shift this focus to conversation rate.

By breaking the task down into smaller steps, implementing each step to completion and making sure it’s done perfectly, you can create a remarkable business blog.


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