5 Reasons to Migrate Your Website to WordPress

Date published: November 21, 2017
Last updated: November 21, 2017

WordPress is currently the most popular CMS (Content Management System) in the world, with about 50% of all websites that use CMS running on it. Website owners are massively migrating to WordPress and for good reasons too since it's an incredibly flexible and functional platform, but above all - it's extremely easy to use. The sheer number of plugins and themes lets you customize your website the way you want while creating or adding content has never been easier. If you're not yet using WordPress, here are some of the top reasons why you should consider migrating your website to WordPress.

WordPress is Extremely Simple to Use

Probably the biggest reason why WordPress is so popular is that it's extremely beginner friendly. Anyone who starts using WordPress instantly realizes just how straightforward and simple the platform is. Publishing articles and editing content, in general, has never been easier than with WordPress. This means you'll save a lot of time when training new employees to use the platform. Adding plugins, changing themes - these are all incredibly easy as well, so you won't have to invest a lot of your time to adapt to WordPress.

The Benefits of Open-Source

Software that's open source isn't owned by anyone, but rather by all the users using it. This means you won't have to pay for anything (except maybe Premium WordPress themes). Being open source is usually a double-edged sword. In the past, being open source was a drawback for WordPress, since there weren't nearly as many users as today. The bigger the community - the more benefits you get out of it being open source, which means it's one of WordPress's greatest strengths right now. Some of the best web developers out there are working on improving WordPress for everyone's benefit, and you don't have to pay a dime for it. You'll get features updates on a regular basis, and the same goes for security updates as well.

Migrating to WordPress Will Positively Influence Your SEO

You probably know that Google values quality content very highly when it comes to ranking websites. Besides quality, there's also the matter of updating content regularly. That's why professionals from any website design company would recommend improving your SEO as the single best way for increasing traffic on your website. We've already covered just how easy it is to add and edit content with WordPress, which means you'll ultimately have an easier time to keep up with Google's requirements for the high ranking of your website. Whether it's the articles, images, or video content, you'll significantly cut the time you require to add fresh content. There's also the option of using certain plugins to help you with the keywords for your on-page SEO.

WordPress Pages Load Really Fast

Most people surfing the web will abandon any website that takes longer than 2-3 seconds to load. A third of those people will abandon it if it takes more than one second to load the page. Having slow load times not only destroys your potential traffic, but the Google will also sniff out the bounce rates and your search rating will suffer due to that. So, we can safely deduce that you'll want to do everything in your power to cut the time needed to load your pages from any device.  With WordPress, you'll get the same load times regardless if you have a few users or a couple of thousands loading at the same time. This is especially important for smaller to medium websites, the ones that are yet to reach their traffic potential.

Bottom Line

Running a website isn't easy these days. There's fierce competition out there that will take advantage of any wrong moves you, as a website owner, make. Managing your content has become increasingly important over the years, which is exactly why WordPress has grown in popularity to the point where it is today. It's never been more important to create quality content and to make sure you update your website with fresh content on regular basis, which is where WordPress can help you the most. WordPress is fast, simple, and it can get you the desired results. What more can a person ask out of a CMS?


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