5 Proven Copywriting Examples To Improve Sales

Date published: June 21, 2019
Last updated: June 21, 2019

Although video gets all of the attention, there is still a huge market for copywriting for a reason. Copywriting sells merchandise. It does this through connecting with human visitors directly and through SEO that builds visibility online.

Connecting people with your brand is something that is becoming increasingly important. Of course copywriting is only one method of doing this. Another common strategy involves the use of promotional products such as pens (see Good Things) which can be provided to current and prospective customers to enhance brand loyalty. Creating such loyalty is key in today’s marketplace to give your product or service the greatest chance of success.

Below we cover five proven copywriting examples the sell merchandise like pancakes. Before you take them directly, however, make sure that you run everything through Copyscape to make sure there is no plagiarism involved!

Urban Daddy

If you want an example of how to get people to open emails, Urban Daddy is one of the best in the world. They have such a reputation for great emails that they can send them out with subject lines like “Fun,” and get open rates that are 2 to 3 times greater than any of their competitors. How do they do it? First of all, they get straight to the point. Second, they have precise sentence structure that takes liberties with traditional grammar rules without reducing the ability of the text to communicate.


Articulate is an inbound marketing agency that has mastered the art of webpage copy. They take chances with their headlines, but you can always find the point of the text very quickly upon reading it. They always keep a theme throughout their pieces, such as a farm theme on their “Meet the Team” webpage.


This company uses a great deal of humor to sell its products. You wouldn’t think of this from an outdoor apparel store, but that is exactly why they have the market share that they do. Because they are not afraid to appeal to the emotions of their audience, they hit their target in a way that no other company in the industry does.

First Round Capital

Making feel people understood is one of the understated purposes of good copy. Not everything has to be geared to making people smile. All that First Round Capital does is connect with its audience and let the products sell themselves. They do back up this copy with more than 80 events annually, but they are showcasing their copy at the events as well.


Trello is a company that keeps its copy crystal clear. As soon as you hit the website, you know exactly what the company does. This is a great way to sell the company to its target audience, which is a business-oriented crowd that does not have time to play around.

Great things will happen to your business if you keep your copywriting seductive. Take the above examples as best practices for your own copy. Remember – do not copy the words or the personality of these companies. Take the ideas and make them your own. This is what people are looking for in your copywriting, and this is what will help you sell merchandise like pancakes.

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