5 Modern Marketing Strategies Every Entrepreneur Can Use

Date published: May 14, 2018
Last updated: May 14, 2018

Using new entrepreneur marketing strategies to reach customers and build a brand is something that every company can benefit from. While some of the more effective marketing strategies can be particularly costly, businesses that are serious about increasing their brand's visibility can do so without significantly increasing their marketing budget.

Boosting Your Marketing

Businesses can boost their marketing campaigns without breaking the bank. With consistent effort and targeted methods, you can dramatically improve your company's visibility and more. Read on for five of the simplest ways to single-handedly boost your marketing abilities.

1. Put Social Media to Work

I had a friend ask me to take over his garage door companies Instagram account in Utah. I had never worked doing specifically social media before this, but had read a lot about engagement and how to interact with potential clients through it. Within 3 months, and very little time spent, I had grew their following from 20 to over 1,000 followers, engagement increased by over 700%, and more people were visiting the website. This information was given to me by Instagram itself, which required no extra work for me to figure out. Many of these potential leads turned into real clients and an increase in business.

If you have someone who really knows what they are doing with social media, you can have some great benefits from it. I knew very little, but the company had nowhere to go but up from it.

To truly make your social media work for you, consider paying for sponsored content and advertisements on various platforms like Instagram and Facebook. With sponsored content, you can ensure that your posts won't get buried in the timelines and news feeds.

2. Blog Now and Blog Often

Starting a blog will help your website actively pull in consistent visitors. With the right content, your readership will increase, hopefully translating to more customers. The most successful blogs have captivating copy, as well as innovative visuals. When these posts and blogs go viral, they can dramatically boost a business' sales almost overnight.

Another option to consider when writing blogs is to engage in authority blogging. Authority blogging is another way to transform your posts into increased visibility for your company. With authority blogging, companies publish blogs on specific platforms like Reddit, Quora, Medium, and LinkedIn. These authority domains allow anyone to post on, providing content creators with immediate reach.

3. Understand SEO

The best decision I ever made was deciding to teach myself as much as I could about SEO. I have read numerous books, spent countless hours on the internet researching, and have attended multiple conferences to learn about SEO and all the tricks with it. I still use the help of specialists to consult and do hard work that I did not know or did not have time to do when running my business.

Businesses that fail to understand SEO (search engine optimization) are doing themselves a serious disservice. SEO should be built over time, with content tailor-made to include specific keywords that will allow you to rank higher in search results. Similarly, when an SEO mindset is integrated throughout your company, you will automatically start to design everything with your Google ranking in mind. Many companies use the SEO services of digital media consultants to help get their business' SEO into good standing.

4. Connect with Influencers and Partner with Other Businesses

Influencers will help your company gain awareness among their audience. Connect with influencers by building a relationship with someone that is popular or trusted on various social media platforms. Ideally, you'll be able to have your products or services featured in a post or video by your influencer of choice. When searching for someone to connect with, find an influencer that caters to your niche so you can be sure to easily connect to their consumer base. By connecting with influencers, you'll be guaranteed to reach a larger audience without going overboard with a marketing campaign.

When considering partnerships, find a brand either in your local community or within your social media network. In this symbiotic relationship, your company and the other brand will use social media to feature and shout out each other's content.

5. Take Part in Email Marketing

One of the best ways to build your consumer base is to use email marketing to nurture leads. As interested consumers visit your website, prompt them to join the email list. With email marketing, consumers will regularly receive updates on your company's products and services, as well as coupons and discounts.

Marketing has always been and will continue to be one of the most integral parts of building a business. By putting these five strategies into practice, you can be sure to increase awareness for your company, boost your brand's visibility, and increase your customer base. Apply these techniques today and see how it improves your business.

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