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5 Content Marketing Trends to Watch in 2019

Date published: November 27, 2018
Last updated: November 27, 2018

Content marketing is a form of marketing that involves the mass publishing of various kinds of content for the promotion of a brand, service, or, product. With the ever-changing state of technology and the internet, ever year ushers in its own unique opportunities and challenges. The genuinely savvy brands will ride the waves of change into 2019 with their radars tuned to the trends that will dictate marketing success in the New Year.

1. Chatbots

Chatbots are computer programs that are designed to hold natural-seeming conversations that are predetermined by the software’s programming. These conversations may be textual or auditory in nature and can be used to drive sales online. Chatbots are able to sell and promote products, personalize marketing, and gain customer insight to improve future marketing campaigns. While chatbots are not new, their use by marketers will undoubtedly increase in 2019.

2. Smart Speakers with Voice Search

Smart speakers are internet enabled sound devices that operate based on verbal commands given. These wireless speakers are capable of relaying information, streaming content, and communicating with other devices.

Devices like Amazon Echo, Google Home Max, and Sonos One are smart speakers that incorporate technologies that content marketers can take advantage of. For instance, a marketer may develop a unique Alexa Skill for Amazon Echo that will promote the brand message or host special offers.

3. Content Marketing Diversifies

Just a few years ago, written content was used in regards to marketing. The mental image was more likely based around writing articles and blogs more so than pictures and shorts video clips. That has changed over time.

Diversification in content marketing campaigns that reflects the changing desires of the younger consumers, as well as older consumers, will determine the medium and message more so than ever before. Content marketing services can help with understanding the trends better.

4. Integrated Marketing Campaigns

The days of print marketing are said to be gone forever, but the massive reduction of direct mail advertising has left a considerable void in everyone's mailbox. It is a benefit to be the one piece of mail that is not a bill of some sort.

Combining your online marketing campaigns with your campaigns in offline will give you an integrated marketing campaign that will expand the reach and exposure of your brand.

5. Social Media Marketing Continue to Gain Popularity

Social media sites, particularly Facebook and Instagram, have added a new dimension to content marketing. The Facebook Ads platform—also used to host Instagram ads—has popularized sponsoring posts for marketing and exposure. The conversion of these ads is considerably higher than the typical pay-per-click campaign. Social media images and short videos featuring special offers will increase during 2019.


With these trends, you can gladly march forward into 2019 will an iron-clad content marketing strategy that is appropriate for the times and geared toward the current consensus among the leaders in the industry of content marketing online. Understand your demographic and how they consume content, then provide the material in the manner that they best respond to.  

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