4 Powerful Content Marketing Strategies That Financial Services Can Use In 2020

Date published: January 27, 2020
Last updated: January 27, 2020

Are you a financial services enterprise struggling to get your content marketing strategy right? These well-researched and tested content marketing tips can help in providing more power to your content marketing efforts. It is vital that your inbound marketing strategy is spot on to generate brand awareness and boost conversion rates.

Some of the commonly used methods of content marketing by finance services are:

  • Blog posts
  • Social media posts
  • Video content
  • Podcasts
  • White papers
  • E-books

Smart organizations in the financial services sector will never use their content marketing ideas to pitch their services. Their approach would always be to focus on solving the common pain points that their prospects endure by providing valuable and practically applicable solutions through a well-designed content strategy.

Here are the content marketing moves that you must include as a part of your marketing strategy to achieve your business objectives.

1. Use Content That Is Data-Driven

Experts urge that financial marketers use data that go beyond the data of their institution and industry. They can rely on tools such as Google Analytics and others to decide what and how to use content marketing to gain the best outcomes. The content must be targeted at those consumers who crave for industry-specific information the most.

2. Create Purpose-Specific Content

To determine the messages that should be included in the content, you must first understand the personas of your consumers and the journey they take for gathering information about various financial products. The outline for content of any financial business should ideally cover topics like:

  • Reasons for choosing a financial tool
  • Tips for making the best choice of a financial service
  • Ways of maximizing benefits from a specific long term investment

3. Target Specific Keywords

Each piece of financial content you publish must be necessarily optimized for specific keywords even if they are in a blog or video format. At the same time, avoid falling into the lure of excess use of keywords or forced use of keywords that can mar the natural flow of your content and damage its quality. You might even get penalized for keyword stuffing which can spell bad news for the reputation of your business.

Focus on addressing the intent of your visitor while choosing keywords. An effective way of doing this is to think like a consumer and ask what phrases you would use for finding a financial product or service on Google.

Another winning tip is to optimize around your geographic region. Using the name of your region such as North American financial services is a simple step but it has done wonders for https://www.northamericanbancard.com/products/credit-card-processing. Similar practices are being followed by many enterprises.

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4. Repurposing Your Content

Marketers spend a lot of money on creating quality content. Repurposing is a simple way of stretching that ROI. There are many ways of repurposing your content:

  • You can create a blog to further your podcast
  • The blog post can be made into a compelling video
  • Any content can be developed into an Infographic content for easy sharing on social media
  • Add more information to existing content as an update on previously offered information

If any of your existing content is doing well in a specific area, the chances of it doing well in a different format in another area are extremely high. Repurposing has another major benefit. It can help you reach new audience members.

Additional Tip

Ending your content with an actionable next step is vital to reap the benefits of your hard work. You can end your blog posts by asking readers for their email addresses or contact information where they can be reached directly. This can be done by sending more relevant content at specific intervals till they are convinced that your financial service is worth doing business with.

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