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4 Major Content Marketing Problems (and How to Solve Them)

Date published: April 02, 2013
Last updated: April 2, 2013

Whether you work in-house or for an agency, you’ll have no shortage of challenges in your role as a marketer. You might face content marketing problems ranging from a strategy that targets the wrong audience to a lack of respect for marketing within your organization.

Many of the following content marketing problems we’ll address relate in some way to content, and as content marketers, we’re believers in the power of content that’s aligned to customer needs – the right message delivered at the right time over the right channel.

1. Time Is Always Against Us

Many marketers feel the pressure of limited resources, whether in the budget, staffing, or time allotted for projects. And there’s always an emphasis on measuring how tactics affect the bottom line. The result? Many organizations skimp when it comes to content creation – neglecting their blog and not taking the time to create helpful pieces of content that demonstrate thought leadership in their field.

So, the question is how to make the most use of limited resources. Well, you can do this by getting scrappy and mastering the art of content repurposing. Believe it or not, you don’t always have to start from scratch; you’ve probably got existing materials that could be turned into blog posts or combined to make white papers. Learn how to maximize your efficiency by taking a cue from NPR’s credo of “Create Once, Publish Everywhere.”

2. No Respect, I Tell You

Sometimes a marketing department is like Rodney Dangerfield – not getting enough respect; some executives might view marketing as a black hole for company dollars. These views can come from a variety of reasons, but one of the reasons might be that you’re struggling to increase and prove ROI.

If that’s the case, it’s not enough just to keep your boss or customer happy. You need to improve how you measure the results of your marketing efforts by understanding and communicating the specific metrics that matter for your marketing campaign.

3. Unleash the Experts

Often, your company or client has many subject matter experts who aren't necessarily writers. It’s evident to you that it would be beneficial to publish their expertise, but you might not be sure how to accomplish that. There are many ways to encourage non-marketers to contribute, such as clearly articulating your marketing goals, offering writer incentives, holding blog training sessions, and providing continuous support. Find ways that work for you, and get your company experts involved.


There are no ifs, ands, or buts about it – nothing will kill a great content strategy and drive a passionate marketer insane quicker than being shackled to the status quo. Your company wasn’t built overnight, and neither was Rome. But, if Alexander the Great hadn’t been willing to push his army harder than ever before, crossing boundaries and breaking barriers along the way, Rome never would’ve achieved the magnificent height it did. Be bold in your marketing! Try something different; test it. Do something radical like addressing a public relations problem head-on. Admit defeat. Celebrate success. And when somebody tells you “this is the way it’s always been done,” challenge that notion. Rome wasn’t built without taking that first step, and great companies don’t become great by standing still.

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