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4 Best Techniques Marketers Can Use To Enhance Their Online Data Security

Date published: August 14, 2020
Last updated: August 14, 2020

Over the last few years, the internet has become a wild place as more and more people are getting access to it. You never know if any black hat hacker is trying to get hold of your sensitive online information and may hurt you in future. In the recent past, there has been an evident increase in the cases of data theft on the internet. So much so that a vast majority of online security experts has started to believe that conventional passwords are, no more reliable, and we need to introduce new and creative methods.

While some believe that biometric technology may help in dealing with the menace of hacking, others believe that falling back to the physical realm is the only option we have. However, while the experts try to come up with better and more reliable authentication methods, the marketers can adopt several ways to protect their information. Let’s have a look at the best four techniques, which can help you avoid an awkward situation:

1. Secure the Line

Some marketers commit a blunder by using their social networking accounts, emails, bank accounts, etc. through public Wi-Fi. Unless there is an emergency, you must avoid doing that. If you spend a lot of time on the go (which marketers have to) and need to use the internet in hotels, cafes or airports, we highly recommend you pay to gain access to a private network, as it should immensely reduce the risks of being hacked. Even if you use private browsing on your mobile, experts know how to check private browsing history on android.

2. Do Not Leave Personal Data in the Cloud

Online file-syncing services like Google Drive, SkyDrive, and Dropbox have made things extremely convenient for many internet users. However, you must remember that most of the data on those company servers remain unencrypted, which means that security agencies can access that information, although they may not have any moral justification to do so. Therefore, we strongly advise that you do not leave any personal data in the cloud. Learn the ways to keep your data safe on the cloud.

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3. Use Multi-Factor Authentication

Security experts love to see multi-factor authentication in action. This technique involves more than one method of verification. There are three primary factors of verification: something you know (like a pin or a password), something you have (like a key or a smart card), or something you are (biometrics). Taking into account the ever-increasing risks of information security, you should use more than one method for verification. Apart from many financial organizations, countless marketers, who cannot afford to lose their data, have adopted this strategy in recent times.

4. Password Security

Despite the fact that most marketing experts contain crucial information in their email or social media accounts, a big chunk of marketers does not give enough importance to creating and maintaining strong passwords. Your password should be of at least eight characters and a combination of capital and small letters, numbers, and symbols. Make sure your passwords are not guessable, even for your close friends or family members. On top of that, security experts recommend that you should change your passwords at least once in three months. It is a susceptible topic and is probably the one factor that can make your whole data secure online.

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Therefore, we will go into detail further:

Use Unpredictable Passwords

Since most websites limit the length of our passwords and ask for similar types of characters, we have been using the same pattern of passwords. According to a survey conducted by a security software developer Splashdata, the most commonly used passwords were ‘Password1’, ‘qwerty,’ and ‘12345678’. These passwords are straightforward to guess, and they do not require a great hacker to crack them.

When asked to use a combination of capital and small letters or adding symbol or a number to the password, most people tend to capitalize the first letter of the password and may use a ubiquitous symbol or number, which makes the job of a black hat hacker extremely easy.

If you are looking to have a securer password, make sure you do not use a typical pattern. Avoid using a single name, date, or any dictionary word. We strongly suggest that you choose a password, which is a combination of different characters, including small and capital letters, numbers, and symbols. Just to make your password more unpredictable, you may add a space.

Go for Lengthy and Genuinely Random Passwords

In order to make a long and robust password, you should be using multiple, truly random or unrelated words. According to the professionals, a longer and simpler password is harder to break than a shorter but complicated password. However, this theory is applicable only with genuinely random words. Avoid using standard terms or quotes for your passwords like ‘Honesty is the best policy’ or ‘HITBP’ for that matter. A dishonest hacker will crack such a password within minutes.

One of the best techniques to adopt is to create a truly random, complex, and lengthy password through a password generator.  Keep in mind that you would not be able to have a secure password if you want the convenience of being able to remember the code easily.

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