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3 Content Marketing Ideas For Fashion Brands

Date published: December 05, 2019
Last updated: December 5, 2019

When you’re trying to ensure your brand stands out in the fashion market, it can often feel like many tried and tested strategies are running dry. With traditional retail slowing and a lot of fashion brands moving to ecommerce and social platforms to grow business, it’s time to change with the evolving market and utilise content marketing for longevity and growth.

Sell your story

At the heart of a compelling story is the people behind the brand.

By personalising your brand and its story, your audience are more likely to become emotionally involved with your product and invest in your brand.

In return for becoming open and emotional with your audience success can grow, as seen in ‘The Tale of Thomas Burberry’ by Burberry in 2016, which told the story of their founder and offered their audience a wider perspective and a closer look into the brands story.

Often, compelling campaigns impact not only your core audience, but also can reach demographics that were initially out of reach or not targeted in previous marketing tactics, leading to a growth in brand awareness, profits and social followings.

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Be consistent

From online branding to social images, consistency will stand you in good stead when it comes to consumers recognising your brand, whether this is from your logo, fonts or hashtags.

[bctt tweet="If you create a brand image which is memorable, positive and recognisable, people are more likely to rely on you to deliver consistent quality." username="relevance"]

Brand imagery and colours, particularly in the image-focused fashion industry, are critical in carving your brands aesthetic, so make sure that your imagery mirrors your brand identity and what you stand for, such as wholesale clothing from BGirl Fashion. For example, is your clothing marketed towards a younger market, but your branding style slightly too formal?

It’s also key to consider your brand’s tone of voice across all online platforms, such as social media and your website – if there are inconsistencies between social posts or product descriptions, this could make your brand appear weaker which can disengage audiences.

Share and become connected

It’s imperative to stay connected to your followers on social media and interact with them throughout the day. In our consumer society, people want to stay up to date with new releases or collections and brand changes which may affect them. By being transparent with your followers, this will increase the likelihood of your audience investing more time and money into your business if they feel rewarded and cared for.

Offering outfit inspiration, launching competitions, giveaways and other social campaigns, is a free and incredibly effective way of reaching a larger audience through shares, likes and comments, which will in turn increase website visits and sales. This also allows your audience to shine; when consumers feel included and validated, this strengthens the brand to consumer relationship and makes for a loyal customer to your brand. Along with this, many fashion brands such as ASOS repost customer images as well as working with influencers, which further shows the authenticity of the brand and trust from the consumer which is key in gaining new customers.

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