3 Advantages Of Reseller SEO Programs

Date published: August 13, 2019
Last updated: August 13, 2019

Content marketing is often thought of as a comprehensive service; one business writes the content, buys media space, and provides SEO optimization. When we stop and think realistically, though, can one company really do all that? In many cases, it’s just not possible, though a great number of content marketing firms represent their services as though this is the case – through the power of white label SEO.

White label SEO is a type of business service similar to outsourcing, but under the terms of white label SEO, content marketing firms are able to rebrand an SEO reseller’s services as their own and pass it on to clients. Sure, you might be able to develop these services in-house, but reseller options are often a better option. Here’s what you stand to gain by opting for a white label SEO partnership.

Scaling At Speed

One of the major challenges of the SEO industry is that most of the work is still manual. You need real people to write content, select sources, and ensure the overall quality of the work, and for small content marketing firms, that can be a real problem. Existing staff may not be trained in current SEO guidelines and it takes time to hire and train new staff.

In comparison to trying to develop in-house services, reseller SEO programs offer companies a high profit margin to partners, and allow content firms to scale up rapidly. In today’s ecommerce environment, there aren’t many companies that want content without the marketing power of SEO behind it, so you need to be able to offer these services if you’re going to stay competitive.

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A Matter Of Quality

In addition to supporting businesses that want to scale up their offerings, working with a reseller SEO program to offer white label SEO is a key step because it ensures the overall quality of their offerings. Quality – and the resulting increase in rankings and business – are at the heart of offering SEO services to clients. Additionally, existing reseller SEO programs have connections with top publications, which means that quality content is being paired with relevant, engaging sites that will enhance your clients’ domain authority and put them in the public eye.

A Changing Industry

There was a time when companies rarely offered white label SEO services because the basic rules undergirding SEO were straightforward and easy for anyone to apply. That was back in the days when SEO was largely about keywords. Unfortunately, those days are long over and companies whose sites still boast pages using these strategies could be facing penalties under current search engine guidelines. Experienced SEO resellers, however, can evaluate your clients’ sites to ensure they’re not experiencing keyword cannibalization.

This is all just part of managing expired content, which is an ongoing process since SEO rules are constantly changing. It’s just not realistic for non-specialists to keep up with these algorithm modifications, but by partnering with a reseller, you can still give your clients the benefit of up to the minute knowledge.

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They Make It, You Bought It

Any time a company wants or needs to provide a new service, they need to make a substantial investment in the development of that product – but why would you do that if you could simply buy the product and rebrand it as your own? While this kind of relabeling may not be common, or even fair game in other industries, especially those selling material goods, it’s a normal and valuable strategy in the content marketing sector. To retool a common phase, they make it, you bought it.

Stop investing your time and money in developing a new specialty skill when there are better ways. An SEO reseller can give your company the boost it needs to serve your clients, increase your profits, and round out your overall offerings with complete services carrying your company’s name and guarantee.

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